Desc: 3c
Currency: Spanish peseta (100c=100cs=1ptas=1pta=1pts=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 180
Users of this denom: Elobey, Annobon & Corisco (3 stamps, 1903-1907), French Morocco (3 stamps, 1908-1914), German offices in Morocco (5 stamps, 1899-1911), British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency (1 stamp, 1917), Rio de Oro (2 stamps, 1905-1907), Spain (9 stamps, 1927-1938), Spanish Guinea (4 stamps, 1903-1907)
Used by 27 stamps: (See all uses as list)
German offices in Morocco 12/20/1899 3c yelbrn d=crown over numeral ovpt=Marocco//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1889-3pf-yelbrn perf=13.5x14.25
German offices in Morocco 10/1/1900 3c brn d=Germania (Reichspost) ovpt=Marocco//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-3pf perf=14x14.25
Spanish Guinea 1903 3c purbrn issue=1903b d=King Alfonso XIII (1903)
Elobey, Annobon & Corisco 1903 3c dkgrn d=King Alfonso XIII (1903) perf=14
Elobey, Annobon & Corisco 1905 3c d=King Alfonso XIII (1905) perf=14
Spanish Guinea 1905 3c d=King Alfonso XIII (1905)
German offices in Morocco 10/1/1905 3c brn issue=1905 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Marocco fraktur//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-3pf-brn
Rio de Oro 12/1905 3c brnzgrn d=King Alfonso XIII (1905)
Spanish Guinea 1906 3c d=King Alfonso XIII (1905) ovpt=GUINEA CONTINENTAL oc=blk on=issuer=Elobey, Annobon & Corisco-1905-3c perf=14
German offices in Morocco 1906 3c brn issue=1906 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Marocco fraktur//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1905-3pf-brn wmk=lozenges
Rio de Oro 1907 3c dkbrn issue=1907 d=King Alfonso XIII (1907)
Spanish Guinea 1907 3c vio issue=1907 d=King Alfonso XIII (1907)
Elobey, Annobon & Corisco 1907 3c ver d=King Alfonso XIII (1907) perf=14
French Morocco 1908 3c org issue=1902 oc=blk on=3c-org-unissued
German offices in Morocco 1911 3c brn issue=1911 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Marokko//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1902-3pf-brn
French Morocco 1911 3c org issue=1911 ovpt=value//arabic oc=bl on=3c-org-unissued
French Morocco 1914 3c org issue=1914 ovpt=PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS oc=blk on=issue=1911
British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency 1917 3c grn d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=Morocco//Agencies oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1912-1/2d-grn wmk=crown & GvR perf=15x14
Spain semipostal 5/27/1927 3c issue=Silver Jubilee b perf=12.5
Spain semipostal 12/23/1928 3c ol&bl issue=catacombs Toledo d=Pope Pius XI & King Alfonso XIII perf=12.5
Spain semipostal 12/23/1928 3c sep&bl issue=catacombs Toledo d=Pope Pius XI & King Alfonso XIII perf=12.5
Spain semipostal 12/23/1928 3c bl&blk&lil issue=catacombs Santiago d=Pope Pius XI & King Alfonso XIII perf=12.5
Spain semipostal 12/23/1928 3c bl&lil issue=catacombs Santiago d=Pope Pius XI & King Alfonso XIII perf=12.5
Spain semipostal 7/1/1938 3c bl issue=Army and Navy
Spain semipostal 7/1/1938 3c bl issue=Army and Navy perf=13.25
Spain semipostal 7/1/1938 3c bl issue=Army and Navy imperf
Spain semipostal 7/1/1938 3c bl issue=Army and Navy imperf