Desc: 3c
Currency: Haitian gourde (100c=100cg=100cp=1p=1g)
Numerical sorting value: 180
Equivalent denoms: 3cg (1), 3cp (4)
Users of this denom: Haiti (28 stamps, 1881-1970)
Used by 28 stamps of Haiti: (See all uses as list)
7/1/1881 3c bis issue=1881 d=Liberty Head (1881) imperf
1882 3c bis issue=1882 d=Liberty Head (1881) perf=13.5
1887 3c bl d=Salomon perf=13.5
2/1891 3c graylil issue=1891 d=arms of Haiti (1891) perf=13
1/1892 3c gray issue=1892 d=arms of Haiti (1892) perf=13
1896 3c lilbrn issue=1896 d=arms of Haiti (1896) perf=13
1898 3c dlvio issue=1898a d=arms of Haiti (1898) wmk=RH perf=13
1898 3c grn issue=1898b d=Tirésias Simon Sam perf=12
1902 3c grn issue=1902 d=Tirésias Simon Sam ovpt=MAI//GtPre//1902(box) oc=blk on=issue=1898b-3c-grn perf=12
1906 3c grn issue=1906 ovpt d=Tirésias Simon Sam ovpt=provisional oval oc=blk on=issue=1898b-3c-grn perf=12
1915 3c issue=1915
1919 3c brn issue=1919a dt=landmarks (1906) d=Port-au-Prince Markethall ovpt=rounded box(3 ct//GOURDE vert) oc=blk on=issue=1914 b-3c
1919 3c orgred issue=1919a dt=landmarks (1913) d=Independence Palace ovpt=rounded box(3 ct//GOURDE vert) oc=blk on=issue=1914 b-7c
4/4/1920 3c dporg issue=1920 d=allegory of agriculture
1933 3c org issue=1933 d=Vincent
1939 3c dpolgrn issue=1933 d=Vincent
12/8/1942 3c vio issue=Our Lady of Perpetual Help d=Holy Virgin Patron of Haiti
9/6/1943 3c issue=41st Anniversary of the Death of Admiral Hammerton Killick d=Admiral Killick and Flagship "Crete-a-Pi…
2/20/1945 3c d=Red Cross
7/18/1946 3c d=Capois
10/17/1947 3c orgyel issue=1947 d=Dessalines (1947)
10/4/1950 3c olgray issue=UPU 75th d=Washington & Dessalines & Bolivar oc=blk on=type=postal tax-1949-5c-olgray
1/1/1954 3c blgray issue=independence 150th d=J. J. Dessalines and President Magloire
7/14/1955 3c d=Dessalines (1955)
8/6/1962 3c issue=22nd Anniversary of Haitian Boy Scout Movement
12/20/1965 3c dt=flowers (1965 Haiti) d=passionflower
12/22/1968 3c issue=Winston Churchill
12/14/1970 3c brn&blk issue=Christmas 1970