Desc: 5c
Currency: Guyanese dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Users of this denom: Guyana (23 stamps, 1966-1978)
Used by 23 stamps of Guyana: (See all uses as list)
5/26/1966 5c issue=independence c d=Map & flag of Guyana
5/26/1966 5c blk&red issue=independence b d=map of British Guiana region & Queen Elizabeth II ovpt=GUYANA//INDEPENDENCE//1966 oc=blk on=issuer=British Guiana-issue=1963-5c wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14
10/11/1966 5c d=bank building
2/23/1967 5c d=worlds rarest stamp
11/6/1967 5c olgrn&multi issue=Christmas 1967 d=Millie the bilingual parrot
12/22/1967 5c ovpt=GUYANA//INDEPENDENCE//1966 oc=blk on=issuer=British Guiana-5c-wmk=St Edwards crown & CA wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
1/8/1968 5c issue=Marylebone Cricket Club visit d=wicket keeper
1/22/1968 5c red&multi issue=Christmas 1967 d=Millie the bilingual parrot wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
3/4/1968 5c issue=1968a unwmk dt=wildlife (1968 Guyana) d=Hassar
3/25/1968 5c issue=Easter 1968 d=Christ of St John of the Cross, by Dali
3/25/1969 5c issue=1968b wmk dt=wildlife (1968 Guyana) d=Callichthys littoralis wmk=lotus bud mult
11/17/1969 5c ltbl&red&multi issue=Christmas 1969 d=Mother Sally Troupe wmk=lotus bud mult
2/23/1970 5c issue=Republic Day 1970 d=prime minister wmk=lotus bud mult
3/24/1970 5c issue=Easter 1970 d=Descent from the Cross
10/26/1970 5c issue=UN 25th wmk=lotus bud mult
12/8/1970 5c pur&multi issue=Christmas 1970 d=Mother&Child by Moore wmk=lotus bud mult
1971 5c dt=flowers (1971 Guyana) d=Bixa orellana (1971) wmk=lotus bud mult
3/22/1971 5c yelgrn&multi d=anti-discrimination wmk=lotus bud mult
7/19/1971 5c bl&multi issue=road project 1st d=volunteer felling tree wmk=lotus bud mult
11/15/1971 5c issue=Christmas 1971 wmk=lotus bud mult
2/23/1972 5c issue=Republic Day 1972 d=dollar coin wmk=lotus bud mult
4/3/1972 5c d=clasped hands&mosque wmk=lotus bud mult
10/1/1978 5c issue=1978 dt=butterflies (1978 Guyana) d=Prepona pheridamas (1978)