Desc: 5c
Currency: Uruguayan peso (1000m=100c=1p=1np=1n$=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 3000
Equivalent denoms: $0.05 (1), 0.05np (1)
Users of this denom: Uruguay (143 stamps, 1866-1961)
Used by 143 stamps of Uruguay: (See all uses as list)
1/1/1866 5c bl d=arms of Uruguay (1864) oc=blk on=1864-12c
1/10/1866 5c bl d=numeral 5 & arms of Uruguay imperf
3/1866 5c bl d=numeral 5 & arms of Uruguay perf=8.5-13.5
1877 5c grn d=numeral (1877 5c) perf=roul8
official 8/20/1880 5c grn issue=1880 official
3/1/1883 5c bl issue=1883 d=Santos
official 4/12/1883 5c bl issue=1883 official b
9/24/1883 5c grn d=numeral (1877 5c) ovpt=1883//Provisorio oc=blk on=1877-5c-grn perf=roul8
official 1884 5c bl issue=1884 official c d=Small "5"'s
official 1884 5c ultra issue=1884 official c d=Large "5"'s
1/25/1884 5c ultra d=Allegory of the sun paper=thick
4/9/1884 5c bl d=Allegory of the sun paper=thin
5/1/1884 5c bl issue=1884 d=numeral (1884 Uruguay)
5/1/1884 5c bl pc=bl issue=1884 d=numeral (1884 Uruguay)
official 7/30/1884 5c slbl issue=1884 official d
1886 5c vio issue=1884 d=numeral (1884 Uruguay)
1888 5c ltbl issue=1884 d=numeral (1884 Uruguay)
official 3/20/1888 5c vio issue=1884 official d
official 6/5/1889 5c ultra issue=1884 official d
10/14/1889 5c vio d=numeral (1884 Uruguay) ovpt=Provisorio oc=blk on=1886-5c-vio
12/1/1889 5c dpbl issue=1889 dt=allegories d=arms of Uruguay (1889 5c)
official 8/12/1890 5c bl issue=1890 official
8/19/1891 5c vio d=numeral (1884 Uruguay) ovpt=Provisorio//1891 oc=red on=1886-5c-vio
official 9/7/1891 5c vio
1/18/1892 5c bisbrn dt=allegories d=numeral (1889 Uruguay 7c) oc=blk on=7c-bisbrn
4/19/1892 5c bl d=arms 1892 5c
1894 5c rose issue=1889 dt=allegories d=arms of Uruguay (1889 5c)
official 1895 5c car issue=1890 official
official 1895 5c red issue=1895 official
10/5/1895 5c red issue=1895 d=locomotive (1895)
7/18/1896 5c ltbl&blk issue=Suarez monument d=Suarez full
3/1/1897 5c ltbl&blk issue=1897 provisional d=Suarez full ovpt=PROVISORIO 1897 oc=blk on=5c-ltbl&blk-Suarez full
6/21/1897 5c grn issue=1895 d=locomotive (1895)
official 9/2/1897 5c ltbl&blk issue=1897 official
9/26/1897 5c grn issue=1897 peace d=locomotive (1895) ovpt=PAZ//1897//olive branch oc=blk on=1897-5c-grn
official 10/19/1897 5c grn issue=1895 official
1899 5c grnbl issue=1895 d=locomotive (1895)
official 9/10/1899 5c slbl issue=1895 official
12/1/1900 5c lk&blk d=statue oc=blk on=3/1/1897-10c
12/15/1900 5c dlbl issue=1900 d=girls head
12/15/1900 5c slgrn issue=1900 d=girls head
official 3/1/1901 5c bl issue=1901 official
5/1/1904 5c bl issue=1904 d=cow
10/15/1904 5c bl issue=peace 1904 d=cow ovpt=Paz-1904 oc=car on=5c-bl-cow
official 1905 5c bl issue=1905 official
2/23/1906 5c dkbl d=cow
11/27/1906 5c dpbl d=seal 1906
official 3/1/1907 5c dkbl issue=1907 official
8/23/1908 5c org&dkgrn issue=83rd Anniversary of the Declaraion of Independence d=cruiser Montevideo
8/24/1909 5c red&blk d=port of Montevideo wmk=R O in diamond
(plus 93 more) (See all uses as list)