Desc: 10c
Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Users of this denom: Australia (36 stamps, 1966-2012), Australian Antarctic Territory (8 stamps, 1966-2001), Christmas Island (92 stamps, 1968-2022), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (25 stamps, 1969-2006), Gilbert Islands (6 stamps, 1976-1979), Gilbert & Ellice Islands (29 stamps, 1966-1975), Kiribati (15 stamps, 1979-2023), Nauru (18 stamps, 1966-2006), Norfolk Island (37 stamps, 1966-2014), Papua New Guinea (26 stamps, 1966-1975), Tuvalu (45 stamps, 1976-2012), Funafuti (7 stamps, 1984-1988), Nanumaga (13 stamps, 1984-1987), Nanumea (6 stamps, 1984-1986), Niutao (4 stamps, 1984-1985), Nui (5 stamps, 1986-1988), Nukufetau (14 stamps, 1984-1987), Nukulaelae (7 stamps, 1985-1986), Vaitupu (4 stamps, 1985-1987)
Used by 397 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Australia 2/14/1966 10c issue=1966 decimal d=anemone fish perf=13.5
Norfolk Island 2/14/1966 10c brnvio&brn issue=1966 d=Salt House ovpt=value oc=blk on=issue=1960-10d
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 2/14/1966 10c issue=decimal overprint dt=dances & customs d=Harvesting Taro Roots oc=blk on=issue=1965-1sh wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 2/14/1966 10c issue=1966 dt=butterflies (1966 Papua New Guinea) d=Ornithoptera priamus poseidon
Nauru 2/14/1966 10c carred issue=1966 d=Fregata minor (1966) perf=Different
Papua New Guinea 8/31/1966 10c issue=2nd South Pacific Games d=Football Soccer
Australian Antarctic Territory 9/28/1966 10c issue=1966
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 12/1/1966 10c d=UNESCO wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 12/7/1966 10c dt=flowers (1966 Papua New Guinea) d=Tecomanthe dendrophila
Papua New Guinea 4/2/1967 10c dt=insects (1967 Papua New Guinea) d=Eupholus schoenherri
Norfolk Island 4/17/1967 10c dt=ships (1967 Norfolk Island) d=The Morayshire 1856
Papua New Guinea 6/28/1967 10c dt=hydroelectrics & industries d=Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 9/1/1967 10c issue=protectorate 75th d=cutter & canoe wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Nauru 1968 10c carred issue=1968 d=Fregata minor (1966) ovpt=REPUBLIC//OF//NAURU oc=blk on=1966-10c perf=Different
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1/1/1968 10c issue=1968 wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 2/21/1968 10c dt=headdresses d=Southern Highlands
Papua New Guinea 2/24/1968 10c dt=frogs (1968) d=Hyla iris
Christmas Island 5/6/1968 10c issue=1968 dt=fishes (1968 Christmas Island) d=Pterois volitans (1968)
Papua New Guinea 6/26/1968 10c issue=Human Rights Year
Papua New Guinea 8/28/1968 10c dt=shells (1968) (1968) d=Voluta ruckeri
Nauru 9/11/1968 10c issue=independence1 d=planting seedling&map perf=13.25x13.75
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 11/21/1968 10c issue=Battle of Tarawa 25th d=Marines wading ashore wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 4/9/1969 10c dt=Elema myths d=Luvuapo
Papua New Guinea 4/9/1969 10c dt=Elema myths d=Miro (being)
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 6/2/1969 10c issue=University of the South Pacific 1st d=boy, girl, map of Tarawa wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Norfolk Island 6/3/1969 10c issue=Venus transit observation 200th d=map of Pacific & Capt Cook
Papua New Guinea 6/25/1969 10c dkvio issue=3rd South Pacific Games d=Swim Stadium
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7/9/1969 10c issue=1969 d=banded rail
Papua New Guinea 8/27/1969 10c dt=orchids (1969 Papua New Guinea) d=Dendrobium lawesii
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 10/20/1969 10c issue=Christmas 1969 d=Polynesian Madonna wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 10/29/1969 10c dt=musical instruments (1969 Papua New Guinea) d=Garamut
Papua New Guinea 2/11/1970 10c dt=history d=Masawa canoe of the Kula Circuit
Norfolk Island 2/25/1970 10c issue=1970 dt=birds (1970 Norfolk Island) d=Nonox novaeseelandiae undulata
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 3/9/1970 10c issue=British Red Cross 100th wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Norfolk Island 4/29/1970 10c issue=Cook Australia 200th d=HMS Endeavour entering Botany Bay perf=14
Papua New Guinea 5/13/1970 10c dt=birds of paradise (1970) d=Cicinnurus regius (1970)
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 6/26/1970 10c issue=UN 25th d=Woman Dr & Lab wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 8/19/1970 10c issue=42nd A.N.Z.A.A.S. Congress, Port Moresby d=Malinowski
Australia 8/31/1970 10c issue=economic development d=Rig oil & gas pipelines perf=13.5
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 9/1/1970 10c issue=100th Anniversary of Landing in Gilbert Islands by London Missionary Society d=John Williams III wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 10/3/1970 10c issue=Christmas 1970 d="Sanctuary, Tarawa Cathedral" - Mrs A. B… wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Papua New Guinea 10/28/1970 10c dt=handicrafts (1970) d=lime pot
Papua New Guinea 1/27/1971 10c dt=architecture (1971) d=Purai Delta dwelling
Papua New Guinea 3/31/1971 10c dt=animals (1971 Papua New Guinea) d=Dactylonax palpator
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 5/31/1971 10c issue=1971 d=Basket Weaving wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 8/1/1971 10c issue=legislative council d=meeting house wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Norfolk Island 9/20/1971 10c issue=Patteson death 100th
Norfolk Island 9/20/1971 10c issue=Patteson death 100th
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 10/1/1971 10c issue=Christmas 1971 d=Star of Bethlehem shining through palm fronds wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 12/11/1971 10c issue=UNICEF 25th d=Seated child wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
(plus 347 more) (See all uses as list)