Desc: 10c
Currency: West African CFA franc (100c=1fr=1fcfa=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Equivalent denoms: 0.10fr (1)
Users of this denom: Dahomey (13 stamps, 1901-1941), French Guinea (17 stamps, 1892-1943), Ivory Coast (14 stamps, 1892-1936), Mauritania (8 stamps, 1906-1938), Niger (5 stamps, 1921-1927), Senegal (28 stamps, 1887-1935), Upper Senegal & Niger (6 stamps, 1906-1914), Upper Volta (6 stamps, 1920-1928)
Used by 97 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Upper Senegal & Niger 10c yelgrn&blgrn d=camel with rider unissued
Upper Senegal & Niger 10c cl&bl d=camel with rider unissued
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(a) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c cl pc=lav d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(a) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-4c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(g) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(h) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(c) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(e) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(b) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c cl pc=lav d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(d) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-4c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(d) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c cl pc=lav d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(b) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-4c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c red pc=yelgrn d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(f) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1887 10c cl pc=lav d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=10(c) oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-4c perf=14x13.5
Ivory Coast 1892 10c blk&bl pc=lav issue=Navigation & Commerce
French Guinea 1892 10c blk pc=lav issue=Navigation & Commerce
Senegal 1892 10c blk pc=lav issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce perf=14x13.5
Ivory Coast 1900 10c red&bl issue=Navigation & Commerce
French Guinea 1900 10c red issue=Navigation & Commerce
Senegal 1900 10c red issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce perf=14x13.5
Dahomey 1901 10c red issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
Senegal 10/8/1903 10c brnzgrn pc=straw d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=issue=Navigation & Commerce-1fr perf=14x13.5
Senegal 10/8/1903 10c dpvio pc=org d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=issue=Navigation & Commerce-75c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 10/8/1903 10c car pc=rose d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=issue=Navigation & Commerce-50c-car perf=14x13.5
Ivory Coast 1904 10c vio&car pc=org oc=blk on=75c-vio&car
French Guinea 1904 10c car issue=1904 d=Fulah shepherd
French Guinea postage due 1905 10c brn d=Fulah woman
Senegal 1906 10c car issue=1906 d=Louis Faidherbe perf=14x13.5
Mauritania postage due 1906 10c
Mauritania 1906 10c car issue=1906 d=Louis Faidherbe
Ivory Coast postage due 1906 10c redbrn&bl issue=1906 due d=harbor & native heads
Dahomey postage due 1906 10c d=harbor & native heads
Upper Senegal & Niger 1906 10c car issue=1906 d=Louis Faidherbe
Dahomey 1906 10c car&bl issue=1906 d=Louis Faidherbe
French Guinea postage due 1906 10c viobrn issue=1906 postage due
French Guinea 1906 10c car issue=1906 d=Louis Faidherbe
Senegal postage due 1906 10c issue=1906 due perf=13.5x14
Upper Senegal & Niger postage due 1906 10c redbrn issue=1906 postage due d=natives
Ivory Coast 1906 10c car&bl issue=1906 d=Louis Faidherbe
Senegal 1912 10c dpvio pc=org d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=issue=Navigation & Commerce-75c perf=14x13.5
Ivory Coast 1912 10c brn&car ovpt=10 oc=red on=50c-brn&car
Dahomey 1912 10c brn pc=bl d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=1901-50c
Ivory Coast 1912 10c red ovpt=10 oc=blk on=40c-red
Senegal 1912 10c red pc=straw d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=issue=Navigation & Commerce-40c perf=14x13.5
Senegal 1912 10c car pc=rose d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=issue=Navigation & Commerce-50c-car perf=14x13.5
Dahomey 1912 10c brn d=Navigation & Commerce var=name in bl oc=blk on=1905-50c
Dahomey 1912 10c red pc=straw d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=1904-40c
Dahomey 1912 10c dpvio pc=org d=Navigation & Commerce oc=blk on=1904-75c
Ivory Coast 1912 10c vio&car pc=org ovpt=10 oc=blk on=75c-vio&car
French Guinea 11/1912 10c brn pc=bl issue=1912 provisional d=Fulah shepherd oc=blk on=1904-50c
(plus 47 more) (See all uses as list)