Desc: 10c
Currency: Uruguayan peso (1000m=100c=1p=1np=1n$=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 0.10np (7), 0.10p (1)
Users of this denom: Uruguay (97 stamps, 1864-1981)
Used by 97 stamps of Uruguay: (See all uses as list)
4/13/1864 10c yel d=arms of Uruguay (1864)
1/1/1866 10c grn d=arms of Uruguay (1864) oc=blk on=1864-8c
1/10/1866 10c grn d=numeral 10 & arms of Uruguay imperf
3/1866 10c grn d=numeral 10 & arms of Uruguay perf=8.5-13.5
1877 10c ver d=numeral (1877 Uruguay) perf=roul8
official 8/20/1880 10c issue=1880 official
3/1/1883 10c brn issue=1883 d=Artigas (1883)
official 4/12/1883 10c brn issue=1883 official b
5/1/1884 10c olbrn issue=1884 d=numeral (1884 Uruguay)
official 7/30/1884 10c brn issue=1884 official d
10/17/1887 10c lil d=numeral (1887)
official 10/29/1887 10c vio
1/1/1888 10c vio d=arms of Uruguay (1888)
official 6/5/1889 10c vio issue=1884 official d
12/1/1889 10c blgrn issue=1889 dt=allegories d=arms of Uruguay (1889 10c)
official 8/12/1890 10c grnbl issue=1890 official
12/15/1892 10c ver d=Peace (1892)
1894 10c org issue=1889 dt=allegories d=arms of Uruguay (1889 10c)
official 1895 10c dkbrn issue=1895 official
official 1895 10c org issue=1890 official
10/5/1895 10c brn issue=1895 d=Ceres (1895)
7/18/1896 10c lake&blk issue=Suarez monument d=statue
3/1/1897 10c lk&blk issue=1897 provisional d=statue ovpt=PROVISORIO 1897 oc=blk on=10c-lk&blk-statue
official 9/2/1897 10c brnred&blk issue=1897 official
9/26/1897 10c red d=Electricity
9/26/1897 10c red issue=1897 peace d=Electricity ovpt=PAZ//1897//olive branch oc=blk on=1897-10c-red
official 1/22/1898 10c red issue=1985 official
1899 10c brnlil d=Electricity
official 9/10/1899 10c brnvio issue=1895 official
12/15/1900 10c grayvio issue=1900 d=shepherdess
official 3/1/1901 10c vio issue=1901 official
postage due 7/18/1902 10c bl issue=1902 due
5/1/1904 10c dkvio issue=1904 d=shepherdess
official 1905 10c issue=1905 official
official 3/1/1907 10c issue=1907 official
official 1910 10c dkvio issue=1910 official
postage due 5/22/1913 10c bl
parcel post 1/15/1922 10c dkgrn issue=1922 parcel post exterior d=Light blue paper wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
parcel post 1/15/1922 10c dkgrn issue=1922 parcel post interior d=Light blue paper wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
postage due 7/14/1922 10c graygrn issue=1922 due wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
airmail 1/2/1924 10c scar d=airplane (1924) wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
7/26/1924 10c grnbl issue=1924 d=lapwing 1st redrawing wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
parcel post 1/20/1926 10c dkgrn issue=1926 parcel post interior a d=Light blue paper wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
airmail 3/12/1926 10c red issue=1926 air d=albatross (1926) wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
parcel post 8/26/1926 10c blk issue=1926 parcel post exterior b d=Greyish blue paper wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
parcel post 8/26/1926 10c blk issue=1926 parcel post interior b d=Greenish grey paper wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
parcel post 2/22/1927 10c dkbrn issue=1927 parcel post wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
official 1928 10c grnbl issue=1928 official d=Vanellus chilensis wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
1/13/1928 10c dkbl issue=railroad inauguration d=lapwing 1st redrawing ovpt=Inauguracion///vvv oc=red on=issue=1924-12c wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
5/1/1928 10c org issue=1928 d=Artigas (1928) wmk=REPUBLICA O. DEL URUGUAY
(plus 47 more) (See all uses as list)