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200o denom (#1517)

  • Colnect-156-616-Eurasian-Otter-Lutra-lutra.jpg
  • Colnect-156-670-JELLING.jpg
  • Colnect-156-735-Trans.jpg
  • Colnect-156-758-B%C3%B8rglum-Monastery.jpg
  • Colnect-156-795-Queen-Magrethe-II.jpg
  • Colnect-156-800-Gronsund.jpg
  • Stamp_DK_1983_200o.jpg
  • Colnect-431-032-Wavy-Lines-Centenary.jpg
  • DK024.10.jpg
Desc: 200o

Currency: Danish krone (100o=1dkr=1kr=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Equivalent denoms used by Denmark: 2.00k (2), 2k (17), 2Kr (2)
Only used by others: 2,00(k) (1), 2.00kr (4), 2dkr. (3)

Users of this denom: Denmark (9 stamps, 1975-2010)

Used by 9 stamps of Denmark: (See all uses as list)

10/23/1975 200o dkviobrn dt=protected animals (1975) d=otter perf=12.75
6/30/1977 200o dt=landscapes (1977) d=Jelling perf=12.75
9/6/1979 200o dt=landscapes (1979) d=Trans perf=12.75
6/19/1980 200o dt=landscapes (1980) d=Børglum Monastery perf=12.75
5/4/1981 200o bl issue=1974 d=Queen Margrethe II (1974) perf=12.75
6/18/1981 200o dt=Zealand views d=Gronsund perf=12.75
3/30/1983 200o dkgrn issue=1981 d=numeral (1933 Denmark) perf=12.75
10/28/2005 200o issue=wavy line numeral 100th d=numeral (1905 in 2005)
4/28/2010 200o issue=2010 perf=Serpentine Die Cut 12.75