Desc: $3.20
Currency: Taiwan dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 19200
Users of this denom: China, ROC (25 stamps, 1960-1965)
Used by 25 stamps of China, ROC: (See all uses as list)
10/5/1960 $3.20 issue=1960 d=Quemoy tower (upright denom) wmk=seal char
10/25/1960 $3.20 dt=sports (1960 China, ROC) perf=13
2/4/1961 $3.20 issue=ag census 1961
3/8/1961 $3.20 d=Madame Chiang perf=13
10/31/1961 $3.20 dt=scenery (1961) d=Wulai Waterfall
11/14/1961 $3.20 issue=industrial development perf=11.75
12/2/1961 $3.20 issue=1st Taiwan Atomic Reactor Inauguration d=atomic reactor perf=13
12/28/1961 $3.20 issue=80th Anniversary of Chinese Telecommunications d=radio tower perf=13
1962 $3.20 issue=atomic reactor
2/20/1962 $3.20 redbrn issue=1962 d=Quemoy tower (upright denom) wmk=seal char paper=granite
4/4/1962 $3.20 grn issue=UNICEF 15th d=UN emblem & child wmk=seal char perf=12
8/28/1962 $3.20 issue=UNESCO wmk=seal char perf=12
9/20/1962 $3.20 dt=emperors d=Genghis Khan (Yuan) perf=11.75
10/25/1962 $3.20 issue=sports meet 1962 d=shooter
12/7/1962 $3.20 issue=Chinese 4H Club 10th d=Emblem of 4-H Club wmk=seal char perf=12
3/29/1963 $3.20 issue=Youth Day d=torch & young couple & monument wmk=seal char perf=12
6/27/1963 $3.20 issue=evacuation 1st d=map of Taiwan Strait Refugee wmk=seal char perf=12
12/10/1963 $3.20 issue=human rights 15th wmk=seal char perf=12
1/23/1964 $3.20 issue=10th Anniversary of Liberty Day wmk=seal char perf=12
2/27/1964 $3.20 dt=flowers (1964 China, ROC) d=Nopalxochia sp.
4/28/1964 $3.20 bl issue=1964 d=Chu Kwang Tower Quemoy wmk=seal char perf=13.5x12.5
6/14/1964 $3.20 issue=Shihmen Reservoir completion d=Dam & power plant
7/25/1964 $3.20 dt=fruits (1964 China, ROC) d=pineapple (1964 China, ROC) perf=14.5
10/10/1964 $3.20 issue=Olympics 1964 d=gymnastics (1964) wmk=seal char
1/11/1965 $3.20 issue=20th Judicial Day d=Scale & Book wmk=seal char perf=12