Prev: $9 (Solomon Islands dollar)
Next: $10.00 (Solomon Islands dollar)

$10 denom (#15696)

  • Hawksbill-Turtle-Eretmochelys-imbricata.jpg
  • Colnect-3977-899-Hemigraphis-specie.jpg
  • Colnect-4033-332-Tetragonal-Fiddler-Crab-Uca-tetragonon.jpg
  • Colnect-2354-176-Bush-Thick-knee-Burhinus-magnirostris.jpg
  • SB009.02.jpg
  • SB019.02.jpg
  • Colnect-5322-819-Pope-with-Crucifix.jpg
  • Colnect-4070-460-flag-of-Solomons.jpg
  • Colnect-5368-457-Netherlands-Mi987.jpg
  • Colnect-5368-458-Norway-Mi905.jpg
  • Colnect-5369-257-Christmas-Broadcast.jpg
  • Colnect-5369-256-Investitures.jpg
  • Colnect-5369-262-In-Memoriam-1920-2005-Pope-with-Crucifix.jpg
  • Colnect-772-046-Christmas-2005.jpg
  • Colnect-4123-748-Corucia-zebrata.jpg
  • Colnect-4076-535-Rattey.jpg
  • Colnect-1401-731-Ankylosaurus.jpg
  • Colnect-4076-560-Conus-pohlianus.jpg
  • Colnect-3628-428-Gloster-Sea-Gladiator.jpg
  • Colnect-4141-306-Myscelia-cyaniris.jpg
  • Colnect-4141-307-Abisara-neophron.jpg
  • Colnect-4141-308-Delias-eucharis.jpg
  • Colnect-4141-309-Iphiclides-podalirius.jpg
Desc: $10

Currency: Solomon Islands dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 60000

Equivalent denoms: $10.00 (314)

Users of this denom: Solomon Islands (228 stamps, 1982-2017)

Used by 228 stamps of Solomon Islands: (See all uses as list)

9/20/1982 $10 issue=1979 dt=reptiles & amphibians (1982) d=Eretmochelys imbricata (1979 Solomon Islands) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14x13.5
3/1/1988 $10 issue=1987 dt=flowers (1987 Solomon Islands) d=Hemigraphis sp. wmk=mult crown & script CA
1/15/1993 $10 issue=1993 dt=crabs (1993) d=Uca tetragonon wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.25
3/19/1999 $10 issue=Australia '99 d=H.M.S. "Endeavour" wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.25x13.5
3/19/1999 $10 issue=Australia '99 d="Los Reyes" wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.25x13.5
2/1/2001 $10 issue=2001 dt=birds (2001 Solomon Islands) d=beach thick-knee wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25
2/6/2002 $10 issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th b wmk=crown & CA spiral
2/8/2002 $10 issue=PhilaKorea 2002 dt=Cowrie shells (2002) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.1x14.5
8/6/2004 $10 issue=20th Anniversary of Papal Visit d=Pope John Paul II (2004) perf=14
8/13/2004 $10 issue=Olympics 2004 perf=14
5/16/2005 $10 issue=50th Anniversary of the First EUROPA Stamps
5/16/2005 $10 issue=50th Anniversary of the First EUROPA Stamps
6/3/2005 $10 issue=Queen Elizabeth II - A Royal Year perf=14.5
6/3/2005 $10 issue=Queen Elizabeth II - A Royal Year perf=14.5
10/3/2005 $10 perf=14
10/10/2005 $10 issue=Christmas 2005 perf=13.25
10/18/2005 $10 issue=200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar b perf=13.25
12/7/2005 $10 issue=WWF 2005 d=Corucia zebrata perf=14.5
4/21/2006 $10 issue=80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II perf=14x14.25
4/30/2006 $10 dt=Anniversaries (2006 Solomon Islands) perf=13x12.5
4/30/2006 $10 dt=Anniversaries (2006 Solomon Islands) perf=13x12.5
6/9/2006 $10 issue=World Cup 2006 perf=14x14.25
6/26/2006 $10 issue=150th Anniversary of the Victoria Cross perf=14x14.25
8/14/2006 $10 issue=Prehistoric Animals 2006 perf=13.25x13
10/31/2006 $10 issue=2006 dt=seashells (2006) d=Conus pohlianus perf=13x12.5
5/25/2009 $10 issue=Seafaring & Exploration - Ships d=Boussole & Atrolabe perf=14
6/25/2009 $10 issue=100th Anniversary of British Naval Aviation d=Gloster Sea Gladiator perf=14
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Butterflies 2017 d=Myscelia cyaniris (2017)
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Leonardo da Vinci 2017 d="The Virgin and the Child with St. Anne" 1503-1519
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Leonardo da Vinci 2017 d="Madonna of the Carnation", 1478-1480
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Leonardo da Vinci 2017 d="Ginevra de' Benci", 1474-1478
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Giorgio Vasari 2017 d="Holy Family", 16th century
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Giorgio Vasari 2017 d="The Last Supper", 1546
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Giorgio Vasari 2017 d="St. Luke Painting the Virgin", post 1565
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Giorgio Vasari 2017 d="Judith and Holofernes", 1554
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Albrecht Durer 2017 d="Stag Beetle", 1505
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Albrecht Durer 2017 d="The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne", 1519
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Albrecht Durer 2017 d="Portrait of Felicitas Tucher", 1499
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Albrecht Durer 2017 d="Courtyard of the Former Castle in Innsbruck with Clouds", 1494
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Sandro Boticelli 2017 d="Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci", 1476
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Sandro Boticelli 2017 d="Primavera", 1478-1482
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Sandro Boticelli 2017 d="The Birth of Venus", 1485
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Sandro Boticelli 2017 d="The Cestello Annunciation", 1489
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Hieronymus Bosch 2017 d="Saint Christopher", 1490-1500
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Hieronymus Bosch 2017 d="The Concert in the Egg", 1475-1480
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Hieronymus Bosch 2017 d="Crucifixion with a Donor", 1480-1485
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Hieronymus Bosch 2017 d="Adoration of the Child", 1568
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Butterflies 2017 d=Iphiclides podalirius (2017)
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Butterflies 2017 d=Delias eucharis (2017)
4/12/2017 $10 issue=Butterflies 2017 d=Abisara neophron
(plus 178 more) (See all uses as list)