Desc: 15500L
Currency: Romanian leu (100b=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 93000000
Users of this denom: Romania (10 stamps, 2001-2003)
Used by 10 stamps of Romania: (See all uses as list)
9/25/2001 15500L issue=20th Century in 2001 d=Hubble Space Telescope (1990 Romania) perf=13.25
7/11/2002 15500L dt=sports (2002 Romania) d=golf (2002)
8/9/2002 15500L dt=postal services 2002 a
11/11/2002 15500L dt=fruits (2002 Romania) d=quince Cydonia oblonga
11/19/2002 15500L issue=Christmas 2002
3/27/2003 15500L dt=palaces of Bucharest d=Stock Exchange Palace
4/25/2003 15500L dt=owls (2003) d=Asio otus (2003)
9/19/2003 15500L dt=mushrooms (2003 Romania) d=Agaricus xanthodermus (2003)
9/19/2003 15500L dt=mushrooms (2003 Romania) d=Clathrus ruber (2003)
9/19/2003 15500L dt=mushrooms (2003 Romania) d=Amanita pantherina (2003)