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10b denom (#16338)

  • Colnect-4358-374-Eritrean-Flag-and-Map.jpg
Desc: 10b

Currency: Ethiopian birr (100c=1$=1br=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 60000

Equivalent denoms: 10$ (1)

Users of this denom: Eritrea (5 stamps, 1994-1997)

Used by 5 stamps of Eritrea: (See all uses as list)

9/2/1994 10b d=Eritrean flag & map of Eritrea
11/20/1996 10b issue=Olympics 1996
11/20/1996 10b issue=Olympics 1996
6/16/1997 10b issue=Butterflies and Moths of the World dt=Butterflies and Moths (1997 Eritrea) d=Papilio glaucus (1997 Eritrea)
6/16/1997 10b issue=Butterflies and Moths of the World dt=Butterflies and Moths (1997 Eritrea) d=Parnassius phoebus