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N20g. denom (#16509)

  • PT134.05.jpg
  • PT135.05.jpg
  • PT136.05.jpg
  • Colnect-1444-998-Stamps-for-all-Occasions.jpg
  • Colnect-1444-999-Stamps-for-all-Occasions.jpg
  • Colnect-1445-000-Stamps-for-all-Occasions.jpg
  • Colnect-1445-001-Stamps-for-all-Occasions.jpg
  • Colnect-1445-002-Stamps-for-all-Occasions.jpg
  • PT006.06.jpg
  • PT007.06.jpg
  • PT078.06.jpg
  • PT079.06.jpg
  • PT124.07.jpg
  • PT123.07.jpg
  • PT122.07.jpg
  • PT132.07.jpg
  • Colnect-1397-257-Centenary-of-Cr-eacute-dito-Agr-iacute-cola.jpg
  • PT033.11.jpg
  • Colnect-1397-259-Centenary-of-the-National-Guard.jpg
  • PT054.12.jpg
  • PT055.12.jpg
  • PT056.12.jpg
  • PT057.12.jpg
  • PT058.12.jpg
  • PT059.12.jpg
  • PT060.12.jpg
  • PT061.12.jpg
  • PT062.12.jpg
  • PT063.12.jpg
  • PT064.12.jpg
  • PT068.12.jpg
  • PT070.12.jpg
  • Colnect-1473-684-Traditional-Portuguese-Festivities-Self-Adhesive-Stamps.jpg
Desc: N20g.

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 0

Equivalent denoms used by Portugal: A (1), A 20g (5), A20g (14), A20g. (2), Correio Azul (1), E 20g (15), E20g (31), E20g. (5), E20gr (2), I 20g (8), I 20grs. (1), I20g (18), I20g. (4), N 20grs. (1), N20g (65)
Only used by others: (undenom) (2), +0.251 (9), 1 klass (24), 18Fr (1), 1internationaal (90), 1lk/kl (545), 1Nederland (173), (139), 1wereld (1), 2 klass (3), 20 grams (1), 20g (47), 20yp (34), 2Cs (10), 2lk/kl (82), 2nd class (3), (4), A prior (1), A zona 1 (2), A zona 2 (1), A zona 3 (1), A2 (18), aangetekend (1), AR (1), ATR50g (8), B (241), B 20g (14), B 50g (3), B zona 1 (4), B zona 1 50g (1), B zona 2 (9), B zona 2 50g (1), B zona 3 (1), B zona 3 50g (1), C (145), circle 1 (756), circle 1 Europe (157), circle 1 world (48), circle 2 (259), circle 3 (5), circle 3 Europe (22), circle 3 world (10), circle 5 (1), circle 7 (1), D (78), December (101), E50g (14), Ecopli (4), ECOPLI 20 g (1), Ecopli 20g (3), Écopli 20g (1), EUROPA (41), Europa1 (6), Europe (2), Europe 20g (8), globe 1 (28), globe 3 (5), Inrikes (25), Internacional (1), International (2), JULPOST (17), L50g (45), Lettere prioritaire 20g (12), Lettre 20g (67), Lettre 50g (2), Lettre prioritaire (138), Lettre prioritaire 100g (3), Lettre prioritaire 20g (565), Lettre prioritaire 250g (3), Lettre prioritaire 50g (5), Lettre verde (674), Lettre verde 20g (11), Lettre verte (131), Lettre verte 100g (2), Lettre verte 20g (362), Lettre verte 250g (2), Lettre verte 50g (2), Lokalpost (23), lowest inland weight (2), lowest overseas wieght category (3), M50g (2), Monde (10), MONDE 20 g (1), Monde 20g (13), N (138), None (1), Noneº (144), Postcard Worldwide (61), Prior (22), Prioritaire 20g (6), Priority (2), Recommandé (8), Registered Domestic (1), Registered lowest inland weight (1), RP (2), Standard e (1), Standard Inland (1), Standard Welt (1), stars 1 (72), stars 3 (17), T1 100g (1), T1 50g (5), T2 100g (1), T2 20g (2), T2 500g (1), T2 50g (40), TVP (16), Valeur permanente (3), Variablee (18), VARLDEN (40), världen (4), W (35), Wereld1 (7), World 20g (1)
Unused: T2

Users of this denom: Portugal (33 stamps, 2005-2012)

Used by 33 stamps of Portugal: (See all uses as list)

11/25/2005 N20g. issue=Century old Football clubs d=Sporting Clube de Portugal
11/25/2005 N20g. issue=Century old Football clubs d=Sport Lisboa e Benfica
11/25/2005 N20g. issue=Century old Football clubs d=Futebol Clube do Porto
2/7/2006 N20g. issue=Stamps for all Occasions
2/7/2006 N20g. issue=Stamps for all Occasions
2/7/2006 N20g. issue=Stamps for all Occasions
2/7/2006 N20g. issue=Stamps for all Occasions
2/7/2006 N20g. issue=Stamps for all Occasions
3/22/2006 N20g. issue=Water
3/22/2006 N20g. issue=Water
10/9/2006 N20g. issue=School Post
10/9/2006 N20g. issue=School Post
10/9/2007 N20g. issue=School Mail 2007
10/9/2007 N20g. issue=School Mail 2007
10/9/2007 N20g. issue=School Mail 2007
11/7/2007 N20g. issue=The Ismaili Community in Portugal
3/25/2011 N20g. issue=Credito Agricola 100th
4/15/2011 N20g. issue=Portugal-Korea relations 50th dt=historic ships (2011)
4/21/2011 N20g. issue=Republic National Guard 100th d=caps perf=13
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Viana do Castelo
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Braga
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Vila Real
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Porto
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Lamego
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Viseu
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Guarda
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Santarém
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Silves
5/18/2012 N20g. issue=Route of the Portuguese Cathedrals d=Faro
5/30/2012 N20g. issue=50 Years of Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon d=Adérito Sedas Nunes-GISICS - 50 Years
6/19/2012 N20g. issue=Olympics 2012
6/19/2012 N20g. issue=Paralympics 2012
11/13/2012 N20g. dt=Traditional Portuguese Festivals d=Santo Antonio de Lisboa