Desc: 50.00te
Currency: Kazakhstani tenge (100ti=1te=1t)
Numerical sorting value: 300000
Equivalent denoms: 50.00t (17), 50t (15), 50te (12)
Users of this denom: Kazakhstan (17 stamps, 2000-2005)
Used by 17 stamps of Kazakhstan: (See all uses as list)
1/18/2000 50.00te bl issue=2000
1/18/2000 50.00te bl issue=2000
2/14/2002 50.00te issue=Winter Olympics 2002 d=women's ice hockey
3/21/2002 50.00te issue=Year of the Horse 2002
4/4/2002 50.00te graybrn issue=2002 d=Salpingotus pallidus
10/4/2002 50.00te issue=International Year of Mountains
2/26/2003 50.00te issue=Domestic and Wild Sheep dt=sheep (2003 Kazakhstan) d=Karatau-Argali Ovis orientalis aries
4/23/2003 50.00te issue=10th Anniversary of IAAS
5/26/2003 50.00te dt=musical instruments (2003) d=Kobyz
10/10/2003 50.00te issue=Church and Mosque
10/10/2003 50.00te issue=Church and Mosque
4/12/2004 50.00te issue=Day of Cosmonauts
6/10/2004 50.00te issue=2004 d=arms of Kazakhstan
8/11/2004 50.00te issue=Reserve d=Acgypius monachus
8/11/2004 50.00te issue=Reserve d=Capra sibirica (2004 Kazakhstan)
8/11/2004 50.00te issue=Reserve d=Gazella subgutturosa (2004)
4/7/2005 50.00te issue=10th Anniversary of the Constitution of Kazakhstan