Desc: 3800sh
Currency: Tanzanian shilling (100c=1sh=1TSh)
Numerical sorting value: 22800000
Users of this denom: Tanzania (7 stamps, 2011-2012)
Used by 7 stamps of Tanzania: (See all uses as list)
3/31/2011 3800sh issue=Whales of the World d=blue whale (2011)
11/20/2011 3800sh issue=Flowers of Africa dt=flowers of Africa (2011) d=Fan Aloe perf=13.5
11/20/2011 3800sh issue=African Seashells dt=African seashells d=Oxymeris maculata (2011) perf=14
1/20/2012 3800sh issue=Butterflies of Africa 2012 dt=Butterflies of Africa (2012) d=Danaus plexippus (2012 Tanzania)
1/20/2012 3800sh issue=Butterflies of Africa 2012 dt=Butterflies of Africa (2012) d=Salamis parhassus (2012)
1/20/2012 3800sh issue=Birds of Africa 2012 dt=birds of Africa (2012) d=white-headed mousebird Colius leucocephalus
1/20/2012 3800sh issue=Birds of Africa 2012 dt=birds of Africa (2012) d=Black-collared Barbet
All are wmk=squares & rectangles