Desc: 2.50d
Currency: Moroccan dirham (100c=1dh=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 15000
Equivalent denoms: 2.50dh (29)
Users of this denom: Morocco (18 stamps, 2002-2006)
Used by 18 stamps of Morocco: (See all uses as list)
6/5/2002 2.50d dt=Moroccan flora (2002) d=Linaria bipartita
11/22/2002 2.50d issue=Maghzen Post 110th
12/30/2002 2.50d dt=marine fauna in Morocco d=Alosa alosa (2002)
5/30/2003 2.50d dt=Moroccan flora (2003) d=Limonium sinuatum
8/21/2003 2.50d issue=40th Birthday of King Mohammed VI perf=13.4x13.1
9/30/2003 2.50d dt=marine fauna of Morocco d=Sparisoma cretense
3/29/2004 2.50d dt=Moroccan flora (2004) d=Linaria gharbensis
7/30/2004 2.50d issue=5th Anniversary of the Enthronement of HM King Mohammed VI
11/16/2004 2.50d dt=marine fauna of Morocco d=Xiphias gladius (2004 Morocco)
5/26/2005 2.50d dt=flora of Morocco d=Erodium sebaceum
11/6/2005 2.50d issue=30th Anniversary of the Green March
11/21/2005 2.50d issue=Child creativity
11/21/2005 2.50d issue=Child creativity
11/21/2005 2.50d issue=Child creativity
11/21/2005 2.50d issue=Child creativity
12/22/2005 2.50d dt=marine fauna of Morocco d=Sparus aurata
4/28/2006 2.50d dt=flora of Morocco d=Narcissus cantabricus
5/14/2006 2.50d issue=50th Anniversary of the Creation of the Royal Armed Forces