Desc: A Innland
Currency: Norwegian krone (100o=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 0
Equivalent denoms: A (96), A Europa (18), A Verda (5), A Verden (10), B (6), Europa (5), Europa 20g (14), Innland (30), Innland 100g (3), Innland 20g (43), Innland 50g (10), Verden (2), Verden 20g (5)
Users of this denom: Norway (69 stamps, 2007-2016)
Used by 69 stamps of Norway: (See all uses as list)
4/27/2007 A Innland issue=Bicentenary of Posgrunn
4/27/2007 A Innland issue=Tourism 2007 d=skydiving (2007)
4/27/2007 A Innland issue=Tourism 2007 d=Bicycle riding
6/15/2007 A Innland d=Tungenesit Lighthouse
6/15/2007 A Innland d=Ona Lighthouse
6/15/2007 A Innland d=Wild Strawberries
3/27/2008 A Innland issue=Norse Mythology 2008 d=Harald Fairhair
4/12/2008 A Innland issue=Personal Anniversaries d=Henrik Wergeland (2008)
4/12/2008 A Innland issue=Personal Anniversaries d=Frederik Stang
4/12/2008 A Innland d=New Opera House in Oslo
4/12/2008 A Innland issue=Tourism 2008 d=Oslo Harbour
4/12/2008 A Innland issue=Tourism 2008 d=Divers
10/24/2008 A Innland issue=Norwegian Art
10/24/2008 A Innland issue=Norwegian Art
10/24/2008 A Innland issue=Norwegian Art
10/24/2008 A Innland issue=Norwegian Art
11/17/2008 A Innland issue=Christmas 2008 dt=Christmas gnomes
11/17/2008 A Innland issue=Christmas 2008 dt=Christmas gnomes
4/17/2009 A Innland issue=Tourism 2009 d=Bergensbanen
4/17/2009 A Innland issue=Tourism 2009 d=Bergensbanen
4/17/2009 A Innland issue=Tourism 2009 d=Stottafjorden, Meloy, Nordland
4/17/2009 A Innland issue=Tourism 2009 d=Revtangen, Klepp, Rogaland
4/17/2009 A Innland issue=Tourism 2009 d=Bleik, Andoya, Nordland - The Northern Lights
4/17/2009 A Innland issue=Tourism 2009 d=Kannesteinen, Vagsoy, Sogn og Fjordane - The Pot Rock
6/12/2009 A Innland issue=Norwegian Year of Cultural Heritage 2009 d=radio
6/12/2009 A Innland issue=Norwegian Year of Cultural Heritage 2009 d=Telephone kiosk
4/16/2010 A Innland issue=National Tourist Routes d=Valdresflya
4/16/2010 A Innland issue=National Tourist Routes d=Gamle Strynefjellsveien
11/15/2010 A Innland issue=Europa 2010
4/15/2011 A Innland issue=Tourism 2011 d=Svalbard - Global Seed Vault
9/16/2011 A Innland issue=Norwegian Popular Music III dt=female musicians of Norway d=Wenche Myhre
9/16/2011 A Innland issue=Norwegian Popular Music III dt=female musicians of Norway d=Sissel Kyrkjebo
9/16/2011 A Innland issue=Norwegian Popular Music III dt=female musicians of Norway d=Mari Boine
9/16/2011 A Innland issue=Norwegian Popular Music III dt=female musicians of Norway d=Inger Lise Rypdal
11/11/2011 A Innland issue=Christmas 2011
11/11/2011 A Innland issue=Christmas 2011
4/13/2012 A Innland issue=Sonja Henie 100th dt=Personal Anniversaries d=Sonja Henie perf=15
4/13/2012 A Innland issue=Sonja Henie 100th dt=Personal Anniversaries d=Sonja Henie perf=15
4/13/2012 A Innland issue=Thorbjorn Egner 100th dt=Personal Anniversaries d=Thorbjørn Egner perf=15
4/13/2012 A Innland issue=Thorbjorn Egner 100th dt=Personal Anniversaries perf=15
6/15/2012 A Innland issue=Norwegian Lighthouses 2012 dt=Norwegian lighthouses d=Medfjordbåen 1876
6/15/2012 A Innland issue=Norwegian Lighthouses 2012 dt=Norwegian lighthouses d=Kavringen 1892
4/19/2013 A Innland d=Ice Climbing at Jostedal Glacier
4/19/2013 A Innland d=Boya Glacier
6/10/2013 A Innland dt=Royal Anniversaries (2013) d=Crown Prince Haakon perf=14
6/10/2013 A Innland dt=Royal Anniversaries (2013) d=HRH Crown Princess Mitte-M perf=14
6/10/2013 A Innland dt=Royal Anniversaries (2013) d=The Crown Prince Family perf=14
6/10/2013 A Innland dt=Royal Anniversaries (2013) d=King Harald, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Crown Prince Haakon perf=14
9/9/2013 A Innland d=Ivar Aasen 200 Years perf=15
9/9/2013 A Innland d=Laase Koldstad from "Fiddle on the Roof" perf=15
(plus 19 more) (See all uses as list)