Desc: 66(d)
Currency: Serbian dinar (100pa=100p=1nd=1din=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 396000
Users of this denom: Serbia (9 stamps, 2010-2013)
Used by 9 stamps of Serbia: (See all uses as list)
5/5/2010 66(d) issue=Europa 2010
12/9/2010 66(d) issue=A Century of Aviation in Serbia - Ivan Saric
1/31/2011 66(d) issue=Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers
2/25/2011 66(d) issue=100 Years since the Birth of Bora Baruh
4/4/2011 66(d) issue=WWF dt=Phalacrocorax pygmeus
5/5/2011 66(d) issue=Europa 2011 dt=forests (2011 Serbia)
5/27/2011 66(d) dt=flora (2011) d=Vaccinium macrocarpon (2011)
5/21/2012 66(d) issue=reptiles 2012 dt=reptiles (2012) d=Emys orbicularis (2012)
6/14/2013 66(d) issue=Flora 2013 dt=flora (2013) d=Cymbidium Fort George