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1/15th denom (#1930)

  • Hannover_1851_4_Wappen.jpg
  • Colnect-1300-605-Value-in-shield.jpg
Desc: 1/15th

Currency: Hanoverian thaler (240pf=24ggr=24gr=24g=1th)

Numerical sorting value: 960

Users of this denom: Hanover (2 stamps, 1851-1856)

Used by 2 stamps of Hanover: (See all uses as list)

7/21/1851 1/15th blk pc=graybl issue=1851 d=arms of Hanover (1851)
1856 1/15th blk&bl d=arms of Hanover (1851 over large network)

All are wmk=oak leaves imperf