Desc: 250d
Currency: Greek drachma (100l=1dr=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 25000
Equivalent denoms: 250dr (5)
Users of this denom: Greece (8 stamps, 1946-1990)
Used by 8 stamps of Greece: (See all uses as list)
2/10/1946 250d blk&dkgrn issue=provisional d=Zeus of Dodona ovpt=value in design oc=blk on=issue=1937-20l wmk=crowns
9/28/1946 250d redbrn issue=plebiscite d=King George II ovpt=value//1-9-1946 oc=blk on=1/24/1937-3d wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5
10/28/1946 250d grn issue=Greece in WWII d=women in pindos wmk=crowns
11/15/1946 250d issue=Tsaldaris 80th d=Panagiotis Tsaldaris 1868-1936 wmk=crowns
4/6/1947 250d redbrn issue=George II memorial d=King George II oc=blk on=1/24/1937-3d wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5
10/20/1947 250d gray issue=Dodecanese return d=Emanuel Xanthos wmk=crowns
6/20/1990 250d dt=department seats d=Florina perf=12.25x12.75
7/13/1990 250d issue=Athens for Olympics 1996