Desc: $0.50
Currency: Taiwan dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 3000
Equivalent denoms: 0.50$ (2), 50c (12)
Users of this denom: China, ROC (24 stamps, 1964-2010)
Used by 24 stamps of China, ROC: (See all uses as list)
12/1/1964 $0.50 issue=1964 d=Chu Kwang Tower Quemoy wmk=seal char
1/23/1968 $0.50 pur issue=1968 d=Chungshan building wmk=seal char perf=13.5x12.5
12/1/1969 $0.50 issue=Year of the Dog 1970 d=dog wmk=seal char
2/22/1971 $0.50 redvio issue=1971 d=Chungshan Building, Yangmingshan wmk=seal char
9/22/1971 $0.50 issue=Chinese Folktales 1971 d=Meng Chung go to a bamboo grove to find bamboo shoots
12/1/1971 $0.50 issue=Year of the Rat 1972 wmk=seal char
12/1/1971 $0.50 issue=Year of the Rat 1972 wmk=seal char
12/1/1971 $0.50 issue=Year of the Rat 1972 wmk=seal char
12/1/1971 $0.50 issue=Year of the Rat 1972 wmk=seal char
5/20/1972 $0.50 issue="Dignity with Self-Reliance"
12/1/1972 $0.50 issue=Year of the Ox 1973
11/21/1973 $0.50 dt=paintings of horses d=Snowy Spot Hawk Equus ferus caballus
12/1/1973 $0.50 issue=Year of the Tiger 1974 d=tiger Panthera tigris wmk=hourglasses
7/15/1974 $0.50 dt=Chinese Folktales wmk=hourglasses
7/15/1974 $0.50 dt=Chinese Folktales wmk=hourglasses
7/15/1974 $0.50 dt=Chinese Folktales wmk=hourglasses
7/15/1974 $0.50 dt=Chinese Folktales wmk=hourglasses
10/31/1974 $0.50 dt=Major Construction Projects wmk=seal char
12/10/1974 $0.50 issue=Year of the Rabbit 1975 d=Lepus sinensis
4/5/1981 $0.50 issue=6th Anniversary of the Death of Chiang Kai-shek wmk=seal char perf=12.5x13.5
10/2/1991 $0.50 issue=1989 blue panel
12/18/2006 $0.50 dt=dogs and cats (2005) d=Canis familiaris (2006) perf=13.5x12.5
1/15/2009 $0.50 dt=birds (2007 China, ROC) d=Rostratula benghalensis (2009) perf=13.5x12.5
5/12/2010 $0.50 dt=flowers (2010 China, ROC) d=Bauhinia variegata (2010) perf=13.5x12.5