Desc: 1cord
Currency: Nicaraguan córdoba (100c=1cord=1cor=1c$=1cd)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 1.00C$ (1), 1.00cd (22), 1.00cord (15), 1c$ (2), 1cd (17), 1cor (44)
Users of this denom: Nicaragua (158 stamps, 1928-1988)
Used by 158 stamps of Nicaragua: (See all uses as list)
1928 1cord issue=1928 d=Leon Cathedral (1914 1cor)
1/3/1928 1cord blkbrn issue=1928 resello d=Leon Cathedral (1914 1cor) ovpt=Resello//1928 on=issue=1922-1cord perf=12
6/11/1928 1cord blkbrn issue=1928 correos d=Leon Cathedral (1914 1cor) on=issue=1922-1cord perf=12
airmail 12/15/1929 1cord redorg issue=1929 air d=Airplanes over Momotombo
1/1/1932 1cord yel issue=Earthquake at Managua
1/1/1932 1cord rose issue=Earthquake at Managua
official 2/6/1932 1cord yel issue=1932 official b
airmail official 2/6/1932 1cord yel issue=1932 air official
airmail 10/24/1932 1cord yel issue=Earthquake at Managua Overprinted "Correo Aéreo Interior - 1932
11/20/1932 1cord issue=1932 provisional b oc=blk on=1cord
12/17/1932 1cord rose issue=Inauguration of the Railroad from San Jorge to San Juan del Sur
12/30/1932 1cord red issue=Inauguration of the Railroad Leon to El Sauce
8/3/1933 1cord brn issue=Celebrating the First Voyage of Christopher Columbus
8/3/1933 1cord grn issue=Celebrating the First Voyage of Christopher Columbus perf= 9
8/9/1933 1cord dlrd issue=441th Anniversary of Voyages of Columbus
10/6/1933 1cord yel issue=1933 provisional b
official 11/1/1933 1cord yel issue=1933 official
airmail official 11/3/1933 1cord redorg issue=1933 airmail official
airmail 11/3/1933 1cord issue=1933 provisional d oc=blk on=1cord
airmail 12/1/1935 1cord redorg issue=1935 surcharges e
official 12/5/1935 1cord yel issue=1935 official
official 12/5/1935 1cord yel issue=1935 official b
airmail official 12/5/1935 1cord red issue=1935 airmail official c
1/1/1936 1cord yel issue=1936 surcharges a
airmail 2/10/1936 1cord redorg issue=1936 surcharges b perf=12
airmail 4/6/1936 1cord issue=1936 surcharges d oc=blk on=1cord
airmail 2/1/1937 1cord org issue=1937 air a
airmail 7/30/1937 1cord olgrn issue=1938 air foreign
airmail 9/17/1937 1cord bl&dkcar issue=US Constitution 150th wmk=mult ovals
airmail 2/1/1940 1cord vio issue=1940 air perf=12
airmail 10/12/1944 1cord blgrn issue=80th Anniversary of Red Cross perf=12
airmail 9/1/1945 1cord blk<bl issue=1945 air perf=12.5
airmail 6/15/1946 1cord blk&grn issue=Franklin D. Roosevelt memorial perf=12.5
airmail 1/10/1947 1cord blk&brn issue=Managua 100th perf=12.5
airmail 8/29/1947 1cord blk&vio issue=1947 air perf=12.5
airmail 7/15/1949 1cord ltbl issue=10th Amateur World Series
airmail 11/18/1961 1cord bl&rose issue=Dag Hammarskjold memorial perf=12
airmail 1/20/1962 1cord grn&blk issue=1962 surcharges
airmail 1/20/1962 1cord blk&brn issue=1962 surcharges
11/22/1962 1cord dt=arms of cities of Nicaragua d=arms of Managua perf=12.5x13
airmail 5/15/1963 1cord issue=300th Anniversary of the Death of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac perf=14
airmail 8/2/1963 1cord yel&bl issue=Central American Philatelic Societies Federation perf=12
airmail 12/12/1963 1cord issue=Olympics 1964 in 1963 perf=12
airmail 12/19/1964 1cord issue=Olympics 1964 perf=12
airmail 3/24/1965 1cord dt=Nicaraguan Antiquities perf=13.5
airmail 10/15/1965 1cord orgyel&blk issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Andres Bello
12/7/1965 1cord brnvio&ol issue=9th Central American Scout Camporee
airmail 2/7/1966 1cord vioblk&blk issue=Winston Churchill memorial perf=14
airmail 12/15/1966 1cord issue=Closure of Vatican Ecumenical Council d=Archbishop Gonzalez y Robleto perf=13
airmail 1/18/1967 1cord issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ruben Dario perf=13.5
(plus 108 more) (See all uses as list)