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65dh denom (#25658)

  • Colnect-898-479-Arm-and-Eagle.jpg
  • Colnect-5445-138-Women-in-the-Armed-Forces.jpg
  • Colnect-4566-873-Proclamation-of-national-sovereignity.jpg
  • Colnect-4568-844-25th-anniversary-of-evacuation-of-American-anf-British-force.jpg
Desc: 65dh

Currency: Libyan dinar (1000dh=1din)

Numerical sorting value: 3900

Users of this denom: Libya (4 stamps, 1972-1994)

Used by 4 stamps of Libya: (See all uses as list)

2/10/1972 65dh issue=1972 d=arms of Libya
9/1/1983 65dh issue=14th Anniversary of September Revolution
3/2/1993 65dh issue=Proclamation of National Sovereignty
12/15/1994 65dh issue=25th Anniversary of Evacuation of American and British Forces