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40e denom (#26244)

  • Colnect-1128-226-5th-Centenary-of-Discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-1128-228-5th-Centenary-of-Discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-1128-249-5th-Centenary-of-Discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-1128-250-5th-Centenary-of-Discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-2871-532-Womens-Shot-Put.jpg
  • Colnect-1129-251-Magnificent-Frigatebird-Fregata-magnificens.jpg
  • Colnect-1128-501-Roxa.jpg
  • Colnect-1129-305-German-Shepherd-and-Rough-Collies-Canis-lupus-familiaris.jpg
  • Colnect-1129-313-Traditional-Events.jpg
  • Colnect-5812-825-Mother--Child.jpg
  • Colnect-5674-430-Molho-de-Sao-Nicholas.jpg
  • Colnect-5876-640-Millennium.jpg
  • Colnect-438-172-Olympics-Sydney.jpg
  • Colnect-2640-133-Dragoeiro-Tree.jpg
  • Colnect-5697-125-Whale.jpg
  • Colnect-4090-858-Vendedeira-de-pao-bread-seller.jpg
  • Colnect-3970-507-Osprey-Pandion-haliaetus.jpg
  • Colnect-4093-825-Campylanthus-glaber-glaber.jpg
  • Colnect-4096-428-Common-Quil-Coturnix-coturnix.jpg
  • Colnect-4093-153-Silhouettes-of-players.jpg
  • Colnect-4093-161-Campaign-against-Diabetes.jpg
  • Colnect-5699-682-Mindelo.jpg
  • Colnect-5699-688-Pleurobranchus-garciagomezi.jpg
  • Colnect-5703-418-Echium-vulcanorum.jpg
  • Colnect-5644-033-Manuel-d-Novas-1938-2009.jpg
  • Colnect-5710-294-Carex-antolensis.jpg
  • Colnect-5644-036-National-Football-team.jpg
Desc: 40e

Currency: Cape Verdean escudo (100c=1e=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 240000

Equivalent denoms: 40.00e (7), 40$ (3)

Users of this denom: Cape Verde (32 stamps, 1992-2023)

Used by 32 stamps of Cape Verde: (See all uses as list)

3/31/1992 40e issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America perf=11.75x11.5
3/31/1992 40e issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America perf=11.75x11.5
3/31/1992 40e issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America perf=11.75x11.5
3/31/1992 40e issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America perf=11.75x11.5
6/30/1992 40e issue=Olympics 1992
10/29/1993 40e issue=Nature Reserves d=Fregata magnificens (1993) perf=11.75x11.5
8/16/1994 40e dt=bananas (1994) d=Musa sp. perf=11.5x11.75
6/16/1995 40e issue=Heads of Dogs and Paintings d=German shepherd & Rough Collies
10/9/1995 40e issue=St. Philip's Flag Festival
8/1/1996 40e issue=50th Anniversary of UNICEF d=mother kissing child perf=11.75x12
6/1/1998 40e issue=Local Cuisine perf=12x11.75
1/31/2000 40e issue=Millennium perf=12
9/15/2000 40e issue=Olympics 2000 perf=14.5
10/9/2000 40e redcar d=Dracaena perf=12
6/14/2007 40e issue=History of Whale Hunting perf=13x13.5
8/1/2008 40e issue=Local Trades perf=13.5x13
11/25/2008 40e issue=Birds of Prey 2008 d=Pandion haliaetus (2008 Cape Verde) perf=13.5x13
10/30/2009 40e issue=Flora & Fauna 2009 dt=flora & fauna (2009 Cape Verde) d=Campylanthus glaber glaber perf=13x13.5
6/7/2010 40e dt=flora & fauna (2010 Cape Verde) d=Coturnix coturnix (2010)
6/25/2010 40e issue=World Cup 2010 perf=13x13.5
8/12/2010 40e issue=Health Care perf=13x13.5
11/12/2010 40e issue=People's Revolts perf=13x13.5
2011 40e issue=Nudibranchs 2011 perf=13x13.5
2011 40e issue=Flora and Fauna of Cha des Caldeiras d=Echium vulcanorum perf=13.5x13
2012 40e issue=Music Legends d=Manuel d’Novas perf=13.5
2012 40e issue=Flora and Fauna of Santo Antao
2012 40e issue=Africa Cup 2012
10/18/2020 40e issue=50th Anniversary of the Cape Verdean Association of Portugal
2/15/2021 40e issue=World Handball Championships 2021
9/18/2021 40e issue=5th Anniversary of Anti-Alcoholism Campaign
2022 40e issue=100th Anniversary Logo
6/13/2023 40e issue=Baia do Inferno y Monta Angra National Park