Prev: 76w (North Korean won)
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80w denom (#26451)

  • Colnect-2341-024-AIDs-victim-family.jpg
  • Colnect-2647-531-Deng-at-seashore.jpg
  • Colnect-2726-062-Kim-Il-Sung.jpg
  • Colnect-3097-866-Taehongdan.jpg
  • Colnect-3113-653-Garden-Dormouse-Eliomys-quercinus.jpg
  • Colnect-3117-282-Kim-Il-Sung-and-followers.jpg
  • Colnect-3197-870-Reunion-Flag-with-entire-Korea-inscription.jpg
  • Colnect-3199-587-Chasing-Butterflies.jpg
  • Colnect-3326-933-Drum.jpg
  • Colnect-3173-282-Singing-theater-football-match.jpg
  • Colnect-3014-481-Pacific-White-sided-Dolphin-Lagenorhynchus-obliquidens.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-381-Epidendrum-Radiatum.jpg
  • Colnect-3728-209-Children-and-plant-city-with-wild-animals-and-windmills.jpg
  • Colnect-3246-050-Visiting-a-fish-factory-in-Liaoning-Province.jpg
  • Colnect-3246-046-Saying-that-he-was-happiest-among-soldiers.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-433-Little-owl-Athene-noctua.jpg
Desc: 80w

Currency: North Korean won (100ch=1w)

Numerical sorting value: 480000

Users of this denom: North Korea (23 stamps, 2002-2018)

Used by 23 stamps of North Korea: (See all uses as list)

9/20/2002 80w issue=Red Cross and Red Crescent perf=13.5
7/15/2004 80w issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Deng Xiaoping
12/16/2004 80w issue=45th Anniversary of Repatriation of Koreans from Japan d=Kim Il Sung perf=11.5
2/10/2005 80w issue=Local Motives d=Taehongdan perf=12.5x12
8/30/2005 80w issue=Costumes 2005 perf=11.5
3/26/2007 80w issue=180th Anniversary of the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven perf=13.5
4/20/2007 80w issue=Rodents 2007 d=Eliomys quercinus (2007) perf=13
4/25/2007 80w issue=75th Anniversary of Korean People's Army
2/22/2009 80w issue=North Korean Newspapers Joint Editorial 2009 d=Reunion Flag with entire Korea inscription perf=11.5
5/6/2009 80w issue=Children's Summer Camp d=Chasing Butterflies perf=11.25
8/5/2009 80w issue=Traditional Musical Instruments 2009 d=Drum perf=13.25
12/31/2009 80w issue=Year of Realizing Ideals d=Singing theater football match perf=13.25
1/30/2010 80w dt=wildlife (2010) d=Lagenorhynchus obliquidens perf=13.25
4/20/2010 80w dt=orchids (2010 North Korea) d=Epidendrum Radiatum perf=11.5
5/1/2010 80w issue=World EXPO 2010 perf=11.5
6/20/2010 80w issue=Kim Jung Il Visits China d=Visiting a fish factory in Liaoning Province perf=13.25
8/25/2010 80w issue=50th Anniversary of Songun Revolutionary Leadership
5/22/2013 80w issue=Owls 2013 d=Athene noctua
6/12/2014 80w issue=World Cup 2014
3/11/2017 80w issue=Tigers 2017
12/30/2017 80w issue=National Nuclear Forces
3/10/2018 80w issue=Sobaeksu Valley
10/16/2018 80w issue=3rd North-South Summit Meeting