Prev: 99w (North Korean won)
Next: 101w (North Korean won)

100w denom (#26469)

  • Colnect-2341-030-White-Shorthair-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-2348-679-Victory-Monument.jpg
  • Colnect-2401-493-Fairy-Tale-of-Antelopes.jpg
  • Colnect-2413-981-Phalanopsis-aphrodite.jpg
  • Colnect-2413-986-Domestic-Pigeon-Columba-livia-forma-domestica.jpg
  • Colnect-2508-091-Cotton-top-Tamarin-Saguinus-oedipus.jpg
  • Colnect-2571-425-Cotton-top-Tamarin-Saguinus-oedipus.jpg
  • Colnect-870-776-Jangdokdo.jpg
  • Colnect-2591-275-Gymnocalycium-baldianum.jpg
  • Colnect-2609-832-Kim-outdoor-photo-portrait.jpg
  • Colnect-2609-834-Kim-with-army-officers.jpg
  • Colnect-2609-836-Kim-standing-in-front-of-rendering.jpg
  • Colnect-2726-067-Rooster.jpg
  • Colnect-3097-867-Pomanri.jpg
  • Colnect-3261-543-Songsan-Fortress.jpg
  • Colnect-3102-390-Shiba-Dog-Canis-lupus-familiaris.jpg
  • Colnect-3102-415-Taraxacum-platycarpum.jpg
  • Colnect-3102-422-Visit-to-an-air-conditioner-factory.jpg
  • Colnect-3099-558-Sejon-Peak.jpg
  • Colnect-3113-630-Paektusan.jpg
  • Colnect-3113-642-Kim-Il-Sung-riding-propaganda-painting.jpg
  • Colnect-3117-283-Kim-Jong-Il-and-soldiers.jpg
  • Colnect-3176-067-Pavilions-and-flowering-shrubs-on-Moran-Hill-Pyongyang.jpg
  • Colnect-3197-871-Disarmament-Hands-crush-bomb.jpg
  • Colnect-3197-885-Peonies.jpg
  • Colnect-3197-855-Kim-Jong-Suk-and-soldiers-with-mortars.jpg
  • Colnect-3197-844-Kim-Jong-Il-visits-steelworks.jpg
  • Colnect-3199-612-Historic-night.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-387-Woman-after-harvesting-medicinal-herbs--Kim-Hong-do-1745-1%E2%80%A6.jpg
  • Colnect-2954-888-International-Year-of-the-Woods.jpg
  • Colnect-2942-764-Buildings-in-Moscow-and-Pyongyang.jpg
  • Colnect-2942-819-In-front-of-the-birth-place-in-Mangyongdae-Painting.jpg
  • Colnect-2942-822-Everytime-with-the-people-Painting.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-434-Barn-Owl-Tyto-alba.jpg
  • Colnect-6818-006-Kim-Jong-Un-at-Battle-Site.jpg
  • Colnect-6818-009-Kim-Jong-Un-on-Horse-at-Battle-Site.jpg
  • Colnect-7718-592-Kim-Jong-Un.jpg
  • Colnect-7718-593-Kim-Jong-Un.jpg
Desc: 100w

Currency: North Korean won (100ch=1w)

Numerical sorting value: 600000

Users of this denom: North Korea (58 stamps, 2002-2021)

Used by 58 stamps of North Korea: (See all uses as list)

10/20/2002 100w issue=Cats and Dogs 2002 d=White Shorthair Felis silvestris catus perf=12.5
11/20/2002 100w redbrn issue=2002 dt=Symbols of State perf=13.5
1/1/2003 100w issue=Fairy Tale of Antelopes defeat Bald Eagle perf=13.5
7/28/2003 100w issue=Orchids 2003 dt=orchids (2003 North Korea) d=Phalaenopsis aphrodite (2003) perf=13.5
8/4/2003 100w issue=Birds 2003 dt=birds (2003 North Korea) d=Columba livia (2003) perf=13.5
1/1/2004 100w issue=Monkeys 2004 d=Saguinus oedipus (2004) perf=11.5
1/30/2004 100w issue=HONG KONG 2004 d=Saguinus oedipus (2004) perf=11.5
3/20/2004 100w issue=Lighthouses 2004 perf=12x12.5
6/2/2004 100w issue=Cacti 2004 d=Gymnocalycium baldianum perf=12x12.5
6/19/2004 100w issue=40th Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea by Kim Jong Il perf=13.5
6/19/2004 100w issue=40th Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea by Kim Jong Il perf=13.5
6/19/2004 100w issue=40th Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea by Kim Jong Il perf=13.5
1/1/2005 100w issue=Chicken Figures made of Millet Stalks d=rooster (2005) perf=11.5
2/10/2005 100w issue=Local Motives d=Pomanri perf=12.5x12
6/14/2005 100w issue=Relics from the Time of the Koguryo Kingdom perf=13.5
8/30/2005 100w issue=Costumes 2005 perf=11.5
1/1/2006 100w issue=Year of the Dog 2006 d=Shiba Dog Canis lupus familiaris perf=13.5
2/16/2006 100w issue=Flowers 2006 d=Taraxacum platycarpum perf=13.5
3/4/2006 100w issue=Kim Jong Il's Trip to China perf=12.25
3/15/2006 100w issue=Diamond Mountain 2006 d=Sejon Peak perf=12x12.5
2/16/2007 100w issue=65th birthday of Kim Jong Il perf=13.5
4/15/2007 100w issue=95th Anniversary of the Birth of Kim Il Sung
4/25/2007 100w issue=75th Anniversary of Korean People's Army
10/20/2008 100w issue=Moran Hill perf=13.5
2/22/2009 100w issue=North Korean Newspapers Joint Editorial 2009 d=Disarmament Hands crush bomb perf=11.5
2/25/2009 100w issue=CHINA 2009 d=peonies perf=11.75
9/22/2009 100w issue=Kim Jong Suk d=Kim Jong Suk & soldiers with mortars perf=13.25
12/31/2009 100w issue=Year of Realizing Ideals d=Kim Jong Il visits steelworks perf=13.25
8/15/2010 100w issue=65th Anniversary of the Liberation perf=13.25
9/1/2010 100w dt=paintings (2010) d=Woman after harvesting medicinal herbs Kim Hong-do 1745-1… perf=13.25
7/30/2011 100w issue=International Year of Forests perf=13.25
1/30/2012 100w issue=Architecture - Pyongyang & Moscow Buildings
4/15/2012 100w issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Kim II Sung b perf=11.5x12
4/15/2012 100w issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Kim II Sung b
5/22/2013 100w issue=Owls 2013 d=Tyto alba
9/5/2014 100w issue=ROSSICA 2014
1/20/2017 100w issue=Year of the Rooster 2017
2/26/2017 100w issue=Flora & Fauna - Paean to the Motherland
8/8/2017 100w issue=National Flora and Fauna of North Korea d=Canis lupus familiaris
8/8/2017 100w issue=Test Launch of ICBM Hwasong-14
6/14/2018 100w issue=World Cup 2018
10/20/2018 100w issue=5th North-South Summit Meeting - Pyongyang Joint Declaration
2/22/2019 100w issue=Kim Jong Un Visits China
4/29/2019 100w issue=World Horticultural Expo 2019
4/30/2019 100w issue=60th Anniversary of the Central Botanical Gardens
4/30/2019 100w issue=60th Anniversary of the Korea Central Zoo d=Panthera tigris altaica (2019)
9/10/2019 100w issue=Monumental Edifices 2019
9/25/2019 100w issue=Future Architecture of Moscow
9/25/2019 100w issue=Future Architecture of Moscow
9/25/2019 100w issue=Future Architecture of Moscow
(plus 8 more) (See all uses as list)