Desc: 330fr
Currency: West African CFA franc (100c=1fr=1fcfa=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 1980000
Equivalent denoms: 330FCFA (1)
Users of this denom: Burkina Faso (6 stamps, 1992-2013), Mali (3 stamps, 1973-1974), Niger (16 stamps, 2017-2020)
Used by 25 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Mali 7/30/1973 330fr red&dkviobl issue=1st Afro-American Sports Meeting d=Runners perf=13
Mali 8/28/1974 330fr d=Players in Silhouette & World Cup Logo oc=blk on=5/6/1974-280fr perf=13
Mali airmail 10/7/1974 330fr dt=steam locomotives (1974 Mali) d=Hudson Steam Locomotive, 1938 perf=13
Burkina Faso 4/7/1992 330fr issue=World Health Day 1992
Burkina Faso 1/25/1993 330fr dt=Traditional Hairstyles (1993)
Burkina Faso 1/20/2005 330fr issue=10th Anniversary of the Mediateur du Faso
Burkina Faso 10/16/2012 330fr issue=Every Day Life in Ouagadougou
Burkina Faso 12/13/2012 330fr issue=Life in Villages
Burkina Faso 11/11/2013 330fr issue=Traditional Means of Communication
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=Rabbit
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=Pig
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=dog
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=rooster (2017)
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=Monkey
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=goat
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=horse
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=Snake
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=dragon
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=tiger (2017)
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=ox
Niger 5/12/2017 330fr issue=Chinese Lunar Year 2017 d=Rat
Niger 6/10/2020 330fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II
Niger 6/10/2020 330fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II
Niger 6/10/2020 330fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II
Niger 6/10/2020 330fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II