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1.25col denom (#28121)

  • Colnect-4375-983-Cachi-Dam-and-reservoir.jpg
  • Colnect-4375-989-INS-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-3674-712-Crown-of-Our-Lady-of-the-Angels.jpg
  • Colnect-1834-942-St-Isidore-Labrador-Church.jpg
Desc: 1.25col

Currency: Costa Rican colón (100c=1col)

Numerical sorting value: 7500

Users of this denom: Costa Rica (5 stamps, 1974-1982)

Used by 5 stamps of Costa Rica: (See all uses as list)

7/30/1974 1.25col issue=25th Anniversary of Costa Rican Electrical Institute perf=10.5
10/30/1974 1.25col issue=50th Anniversary of Costa Rican Insurance Institute perf=14
10/9/1975 1.25col issue=International Women's Year perf=10.75
6/6/1977 1.25col issue=50th Anniversary of Coronation of Our Lady of the Angels perf=10.75
8/30/1982 1.25col issue=50th Anniversary of Perez Zeledon County d=St Isidore Labrador Church perf=10.75

All are airmail