Desc: 6,50(d)
Currency: Moroccan dirham (100c=1dh=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 39000
Users of this denom: Morocco (104 stamps, 1987-2006)
Used by 104 stamps of Morocco: (See all uses as list)
4/6/1987 6,50(d) issue=1984 d=King Hassan II (1983)
2/1/2000 6,50(d) issue=2000 d=King Hassan II (1983) perf=11.5
2/29/2000 6,50(d) issue=40th Anniversary of the Reconstruction of Agadir perf=11.75
3/6/2000 6,50(d) issue=25th Anniversary of Islamic Development Bank perf=11.75
3/30/2000 6,50(d) issue=National Disabled Persons Day perf=11.75
4/27/2000 6,50(d) dt=flowers (2000 Morocco) d=Pistorica breviflora perf=11.75
5/15/2000 6,50(d) issue=50th Anniversary of World Meteorological Organization perf=11.75
6/5/2000 6,50(d) issue=National Festival of Popular Arts perf=11.75
6/22/2000 6,50(d) issue=International Year of Culture and Peace
airmail 7/6/2000 6,50(d) issue=International Conference on Hassan II oc=blk on=1.40dh
7/30/2000 6,50(d) issue=1st Anniversary of Enthronement of King Mohammed VI perf=11.75
9/8/2000 6,50(d) issue=Mediterranean Song and Dance Festival 2000 perf=11.75
9/15/2000 6,50(d) issue=Olympics 2000 perf=12
10/12/2000 6,50(d) issue=50th Anniversary of S.O.S. Children's Villages perf=12
10/25/2000 6,50(d) issue=International Teachers' Day 2000 perf=12
11/1/2000 6,50(d) issue=King Mohammed VI Solidarity Foundation perf=12.5
11/6/2000 6,50(d) issue=25th Anniversary of Green March perf=12
11/13/2000 6,50(d) issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonie de Saint-Exupery perf=12
11/18/2000 6,50(d) issue=45th Anniversary of Independence perf=12
12/25/2000 6,50(d) dt=fishes (2000 Morocco) d=Scorpaena loppei perf=11.75
3/22/2001 6,50(d) perf=11.75
3/30/2001 6,50(d) issue=International Water Day
5/16/2001 6,50(d) issue=45th Anniversary of Royal Armed Forces d=King Mohammed VI perf=14.25
6/7/2001 6,50(d) dt=flowers (2001 Morocco) d=Glaucium flavum (2001)
6/10/2001 6,50(d) dt=religious buildings (2001) perf=11.75
6/29/2001 6,50(d) issue=National Diplomacy Day perf=14.25x14
7/31/2001 6,50(d) issue=2nd Anniversary of Enthronement of King Mohammed VI perf=13x13.25
9/28/2001 6,50(d) dt=marine life (2001 Morocco) d=Monachus monachus (2001)
10/9/2001 6,50(d) issue=Stamp Day 2001 perf=14.25x14
10/29/2001 6,50(d) issue=7th Conference Session of Signatory States to United Nations Framework Convention on Climatic Change perf=13.25
10/29/2001 6,50(d) issue=World Day to Combat Desertification perf=13.25
11/7/2001 6,50(d) issue=26th Anniversary of Green March perf=13x13.25
11/9/2001 6,50(d) issue=King Mohammed VI Solidarity Foundation 2001 perf=13x13.25
11/9/2001 6,50(d) issue=King Mohammed VI Solidarity Foundation 2001 perf=13x13.25
12/14/2001 6,50(d) issue=Moroccan-French Cultural Heritage 2001 dt=fountains (2001)
12/14/2001 6,50(d) issue=United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations perf=13x13.25
2/28/2002 6,50(d) dt=gates of Morocco d=Bab Chellah - Rabat
3/8/2002 6,50(d) issue=International Women's Day 2002 d=woman holding hands up to globe
3/29/2002 6,50(d) d=cedar
4/30/2002 6,50(d) issue=Second World Assembly on Ageing
5/8/2002 6,50(d) issue=Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Children
6/5/2002 6,50(d) dt=Moroccan flora (2002) d=Verbascum pseudocreticum
9/23/2002 6,50(d) issue=Session of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Union of Telecommunications
9/28/2002 6,50(d) issue=Al Aqsa Intifada
9/30/2002 6,50(d) issue=International Year of Ecotourism
11/7/2002 6,50(d) issue=Green March 27th
11/8/2002 6,50(d) issue=Week of Solidarity 2002
11/8/2002 6,50(d) issue=Week of Solidarity 2002
11/22/2002 6,50(d) issue=Maghzen Post 110th
12/18/2002 6,50(d) issue=United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage
(plus 54 more) (See all uses as list)