Desc: 8st
Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 480
Equivalent denoms: 0.08l (3), 8s (54)
Users of this denom: Bulgaria (38 stamps, 1964-1989)
Used by 38 stamps of Bulgaria: (See all uses as list)
airmail 12/7/1964 8st issue=1964 air dt=factories
4/5/1978 8st issue=Nicholas Roerich Exhibition perf=13
7/17/1979 8st issue=20th Anniversary of the Journalist Recreation Centre d=Journalist Recreation Centre perf=13
4/7/1981 8st dt=birds (1981 Bulgaria) d=Botaurus stellaris (1981) perf=12x12.25
5/18/1981 8st issue=34th BSNC Congress perf=13.75
8/10/1981 8st issue=1300th Anniversary of the First Bulgarian State d=Floor Plan of the Church of Preslav 10th century perf=13.25x13
3/5/1982 8st issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Dimitrov d=Landscape (Dimitrov) perf=14
4/10/1982 8st dt=medicinal plants (1982 Bulgaria) d=Chamaenerion angustifolium (1982) perf=13
8/10/1982 8st dt=Children's Drawings (1982) perf=14
12/28/1982 8st dt=Children's Drawings (1982) d=Fairy tales perf=14
5/17/1983 8st dt=Regional Costumes of Bulgaria d=Pernik perf=14
12/5/1983 8st issue=50th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Composers Association d=Georgi Atanasov perf=13x13.5
5/5/1984 8st dt=fruits (1984 Bulgaria) d=Fragaria vesca (1984) perf=13
3/26/1985 8st issue=Children's Drawings 1982 dt=Children's Drawings (1982) perf=14
12/27/1985 8st dt=Hunting Dogs (1985) d=Irish setter & the red duck perf=12.75x12.5
3/17/1986 8st issue=13th Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party d=Comet perf=12.75
5/19/1986 8st issue=35th Congresss of the Bulgarian Farmers perf=12.75x13
7/29/1986 8st dt=garden flowers (1986) d=Ipomoea tricolor perf=13x13.25
7/29/1986 8st dt=garden flowers (1986) d=Anemone coronaria perf=13x13.25
12/17/1986 8st issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ran Bosilek d=Ran Bosilek perf=12.75x13
12/17/1986 8st dt=Personalities (1986 Bulgaria) perf=12.75x13
3/31/1987 8st dt=Rogozen Trachian Treasure d=Tin pot perf=13
8/5/1987 8st issue=World Championships in Rhythmic Gymnastics d=Iliana Raeva-13th World Championship Gymnastics perf=13
9/15/1987 8st dt=paintings in Sofia City Art Gallery d=By B. Obreschkov perf=14
3/31/1988 8st issue=Postal Workers - Heroes of the Anti-Fascist Resistance d=Deltscho Spasov 19118-1943 perf=13.25x13
4/28/1988 8st issue=Children's Drawings 1988 dt=Children's Drawings (1988) d=Painter in the studio perf=14
5/6/1988 8st dt=birds (1988 Bulgaria) d=Corvus corone cornix perf=13x13.25
5/6/1988 8st dt=birds (1988 Bulgaria) d=Ardea cinerea (1988) perf=13x13.25
6/27/1988 8st dt=Kardzali Region Religious Art d=St George Slaying the dragon perf=13x13.25
9/20/1988 8st issue=Kardzali Region Cultural and Historical Heritage
9/26/1988 8st dt=bears (1988) d=Ursus maritimus (1988) perf=12.5
12/19/1988 8st issue=Tourism 1988 d=Hotel Pirin perf=13
5/5/1989 8st issue=100th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Telecommunications
8/1/1989 8st issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Vasil Aprilov d=Vasil Aprilov perf=13
8/30/1989 8st issue=45th Anniversary of the Revolution perf=13
9/22/1989 8st issue=Postal Workers Killed in World War II d=Ivan Bankov Dobrev perf=12.75x13
9/25/1989 8st issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Hristo Jasenov d=Hristo Jasenov perf=13
12/26/1989 8st orgyel&blk dt=cats (1989 Bulgaria) d=European Domestic Cat (1989)