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60c denom (#29244)

  • Colnect-2826-508-Black-cheeked-Waxbil-Estrilda-charmosyna.jpg
  • Colnect-3050-459-Lappet-faced-Vulture-Aegypius-tracheliotus.jpg
  • Colnect-867-809-Greater-Kestrel-Falco-rupicoloides.jpg
  • Colnect-3067-210-Compass-Jellyfish-Chrysaora-hysoscella.jpg
Desc: 60c

Currency: Namibian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 3600

Equivalent denoms: $0.60 (1)

Users of this denom: Namibia (14 stamps, 1997-2007)

Used by 14 stamps of Namibia: (See all uses as list)

4/1/1997 60c dt=waxbills d=Estrilda erythronotos
11/3/1997 60c issue=1997 dt=flora and fauna (1997 Namibia) d=Aegypius tracheliotus
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Halcyon senegalensis (1998)
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Crocodylus niloticus (1998)
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Dendroaspis polylepis (1998)
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Haliaeetus vocifer
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Actophilomis africanus
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Varanus niloticus
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Syzygium guineense
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Kobus lechwe
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Merops aplaster
9/26/1998 60c dt=wildlife of the Caprivi Strip d=Hippotragus niger
5/18/1999 60c dt=Birds of Prey (1999 Namibia) d=Falco rupicoloides
2/15/2007 60c issue=Biodiversity of Namibia d=Dermochelys coriacea & Chrysaora hysosce