Desc: 20np
Currency: Uruguayan peso (1000m=100c=1p=1np=1n$=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 1200000
Equivalent denoms: $20 (129), 20p (40)
Users of this denom: Uruguay (19 stamps, 1985-1989)
Used by 19 stamps of Uruguay: (See all uses as list)
8/30/1985 20np issue=Return to Democracy
9/30/1985 20np issue=International Book Fair 1985
2/26/1986 20np issue=40th Anniversary of the United Nations
5/5/1986 20np issue=Italian Chamber of Commerce in Uruguay
5/28/1986 20np issue=World Cup 1986
7/14/1986 20np issue=Visit of President Alan Garcia in Uruguay
7/24/1986 20np issue=Visit of President Jaime Lusinchi in Uruguay
7/31/1986 20np issue=Visit of President Jose Sarney in Uruguay
9/29/1986 20np issue=Visit of Argentina President Raul Alfonsin in Uruguay
10/2/1986 20np issue=Quality Exports
10/15/1986 20np issue=Quality Exports
10/29/1986 20np issue=Visit of Dominican Republic President Doctor Salvador Jorge Blanco in Uruguay
10/31/1986 20np dkgrn&orgyel issue=Visit of Italy President Dr. Sandro Pertini in Uruguay
11/10/1986 20np issue=40th Anniversary of the First Scheduled Spain-Uruguay Flight
2/23/1987 20np issue=International Symposium for Science and Technology
9/16/1987 20np issue=50th Anniversary of the Pluna National Airline
9/28/1987 20np d=Uruguayan Antarctic Station Artigas
1/12/1988 20np issue=Visit of El Salvador President Jose Napoleon Duarte to Uruguay
8/15/1989 20np yelbrn issue=1986 d=Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana
All are wmk=large sun & ROU