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3000l denom (#3126)

  • Colnect-4228-221-Michael-I-of-Romania-1921-2017.jpg
  • Colnect-874-753-Flags-of-the-Allies.jpg
  • Colnect-2722-770-Fliegerdenkmal-in-Bucharest.jpg
  • Colnect-4273-661-May-1-parachutes.jpg
  • Colnect-2722-766-Plane-on-highway.jpg
  • Colnect-4606-247-League-of-Nations-1920.jpg
  • Colnect-4606-472-Nicolae-Paulescu-Diabetes-Researcher.jpg
  • RO038.02.jpg
  • RO046.02.jpg
  • RO071.02.jpg
  • Colnect-5194-477-Ladybird.jpg
  • Colnect-5246-083-Easter.jpg
  • Colnect-5396-654-Women-s-Football-Team.jpg
  • Colnect-5385-063-Michael-the-Brave.jpg
  • Colnect-5411-142-Victor-Babe%C8%99-1854-1926.jpg
  • Colnect-5415-761-Wedding-Pitcher-from-Oboga-Olt-County.jpg
  • Colnect-5418-696-Hans-Christian-Andersen-1805-1875.jpg
Desc: 3000l

Currency: Romanian leu (100b=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 18000000

Users of this denom: Romania (17 stamps, 1947-2005)

Used by 17 stamps of Romania: (See all uses as list)

1947 3000l issue=1947a d=King Michael I (1947) wmk=cross & crown mult perf=14x14.5
2/25/1947 3000l ultra issue=1947 peace treaty d=Flags of the Allies wmk=cross & crown mult
semipostal 6/15/1947 3000l dkgrn issue=Labor Day 1947 wmk=cross & crown mult
semipostal 6/15/1947 3000l orgred issue=Labor Day 1947 wmk=cross & crown mult
semipostal 6/15/1947 3000l blk issue=Labor Day 1947 wmk=cross & crown mult
8/30/1999 3000l issue=20th Century d=League of Nations 1920 perf=13.25
9/24/1999 3000l issue=20th Century d=Nicolae Paulescu perf=13.25
6/14/2002 3000l issue=International Year of Ecotourism
8/9/2002 3000l dt=postal services 2002 a
11/19/2002 3000l issue=Christmas 2002 d=Santa Claus & elf carrying gifts
2/14/2003 3000l issue=March Amulet d=Ladybird (2003)
4/10/2003 3000l issue=Easter 2003 d=rabbit holding egg & envelope
12/22/2003 3000l issue=FIFA 100th a
5/14/2004 3000l d=Michael the Brave
6/30/2004 3000l dt=anniversaries (2004) d=Victor Babes (2004)
2/24/2005 3000l dt=Romanian pottery (2005) d=Oboga-Olt
4/18/2005 3000l dt=Personalities Anniversaries d=Hans Christian Andersen (2005)