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2np denom (#31367)

  • Colnect-309-828-EUROPALIA-93.jpg
  • Colnect-309-829-World-Post-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-309-832-United-Nations-Decade-for-International-Law.jpg
  • Colnect-3613-548-Quetzal-Pharomachrus-mocinno.jpg
  • Colnect-3613-550-Horned-Guan-Oreophasis-derbianus.jpg
  • Colnect-309-857-75th-Anniversary-of-the-International-Labor-Organization.jpg
  • Colnect-309-863-34th-World-Congress-of-Publicists-Cancun-94.jpg
  • Colnect-309-864-World-Telecommunication-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-309-871-Postal-Stamp-I.jpg
  • Colnect-309-872-Postal-Stamp-II.jpg
  • Colnect-309-875-50th-Anniversary-of-Diplomatic-Relations-Mexico-Canada.jpg
  • Colnect-309-877-International-Year-of-the-Family.jpg
  • Colnect-309-888-100-Years-of-the-International-Olympic-Committee.jpg
  • Colnect-309-898-World-Post-Day.jpg
  • Colnect-309-905-50th-Anniversary-International-Civil-Aviation-Organization-I.jpg
  • Colnect-309-916-100-Years-of-Discovery-of-Radiology-1895-1995.jpg
Desc: 2np

Currency: Mexican peso (100c=8r=1p=1np=1n$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Equivalent denoms: $2 (2), 2.00np (4), 2.00p (13), 2p (44)

Users of this denom: Mexico (21 stamps, 1993-1995)

Used by 21 stamps of Mexico: (See all uses as list)

9/22/1993 2np issue="Europalia 93 Mexico" Festival perf=10
10/9/1993 2np issue=World Post Day 1993 perf=10
10/19/1993 2np issue=United Nations Decade of International Law perf=10
10/25/1993 2np issue=America 1993 dt=endangered birds (1993) d=Pharomachrus mocinno (1993) perf=10
10/25/1993 2np issue=America 1993 dt=endangered birds (1993) d=Oreophasis derbianus perf=10
4/18/1994 2np issue=75th Anniversary of ILO
5/16/1994 2np issue=34th World Advertising Congress
5/17/1994 2np issue=International Telecommunications Day 1994
6/7/1994 2np issue=World Cup 1994
6/7/1994 2np issue=World Cup 1994
7/1/1994 2np issue=50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Canada perf=Rouletted 12.75
7/20/1994 2np issue=International Year of the Family perf=Rouletted 12.75
9/29/1994 2np issue=100th Anniversary of International Olympic Committee perf=13.5
10/6/1994 2np issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery d=Saint-Exupery and The Little Prince - Bo… perf=Rouletted 12.75
10/9/1994 2np issue=World Post Day 1994 perf=13.5
10/12/1994 2np issue=America 1994 perf=13.5
10/12/1994 2np issue=America 1994 perf=13.5
11/3/1994 2np issue=50th Anniversary of ICAO perf=13.5
11/29/1994 2np issue=Christmas 1994 perf=13.5
11/29/1994 2np issue=Christmas 1994 perf=13.5
5/8/1995 2np issue=100th Anniversary of Discovery of X-Rays by Wilhelm Rontgen d=X-Ray of Hand and Rontgen perf=13.5

All are wmk=MEX & eagle