Desc: 375c
Currency: Guyanese dollar (100c=1$) Numerical sorting value: 22500 Equivalent denoms: $3.75 (1) Users of this denom: Guyana (4 stamps, 1981-1988) Used by 4 stamps of Guyana: (See all uses as list) 7/1/1981 375c issue=1981 surcharges c d=++on=5$ wmk=lotus bud mult 7/10/1986 375c issue=Orchids 1986 d d=Catasetum bungerothii 11/23/1987 375c issue=Orchids 1987 r d=Vanda parishii var. marriottiana perf=13.75 8/3/1988 375c issue=40th Anniversary of Red Cross in Guyana - Overprinted & Surcharged d=++on=45c wmk=lotus bud mult |