Desc: 78p
Currency: Gibraltar pound (100p=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 4680
Users of this denom: Gibraltar (10 stamps, 2006-2019)
Used by 10 stamps of Gibraltar: (See all uses as list)
9/15/2006 78p issue=Cruise Liners 2006 dt=Cruise Liners (2006) d=Costa Concordia
11/1/2006 78p issue=500th Anniversary of the Death of Christopher Columbus perf=13
2/28/2007 78p issue=Diamond Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip d=Ruby Anniversary 1987
5/15/2007 78p issue=Cruise Ships III dt=Cruise Liners (2007) d=Queen Mary 2 (2007)
9/26/2007 78p issue=Prehistoric Wildlife of Gibraltar d=Wolf Canis lupus & Vulture perf=13
10/1/2007 78p issue=Tourism 2007
9/15/2008 78p issue=Cruise Liners 2008 dt=Cruise Liners (2008)
9/14/2012 78p issue=Old Views of Gibraltar 2012
5/3/2013 78p issue=Old Gibraltar Views 2013
7/5/2019 78p issue=50th Anniversary of Apollo 11