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0.50b denom (#36440)

  • ET009.13.jpg
  • ET019.16.jpg
  • ET023.16.jpg
  • ET002.18.jpg
  • ET014.18.jpg
Desc: 0.50b

Currency: Ethiopian birr (100c=1$=1br=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 3000

Equivalent denoms: 50c (116)

Users of this denom: Ethiopia (5 stamps, 2013-2018)

Used by 5 stamps of Ethiopia: (See all uses as list)

3/19/2013 0.50b d=Churches perf=13
9/28/2016 0.50b issue=Ministry of Urban Development and Housing perf=13.5
10/27/2016 0.50b issue=Reptiles 2016 d=Ethiopian House Snake Lamprophis erlangeri
4/26/2018 0.50b issue=75th Anniversary of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia d=State Bank of Ethiopia perf=14
12/28/2018 0.50b issue=120th Anniversary of the Establishment of Ethiopia and Russia Diplomatic Relationships d=Nikolay Leontiev and Dejazmach Balcha Safo - Russian Red Cross Balcha Hospital perf=13