Prev: 60.00te (Kazakhstani tenge)
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60te denom (#36499)

  • KZ048.13.jpg
  • KZ051.13.jpg
  • KZ053.13.jpg
  • KZ054.13.jpg
  • KZ055.13.jpg
  • KZ056.13.jpg
Desc: 60te

Currency: Kazakhstani tenge (100ti=1te=1t)

Numerical sorting value: 360000

Equivalent denoms: 60.00t (7), 60.00te (5), 60t (11)

Users of this denom: Kazakhstan (6 stamps, 2013)

Used by 6 stamps of Kazakhstan: (See all uses as list)

10/4/2013 60te issue=Flowers of Kazakhstan 2013
10/4/2013 60te issue=Flowers of Kazakhstan 2013
11/29/2013 60te issue=20th Anniversary of the National Currency - Tenge
11/29/2013 60te issue=20th Anniversary of the National Currency - Tenge
11/29/2013 60te issue=20th Anniversary of the National Currency - Tenge
11/29/2013 60te issue=20th Anniversary of the National Currency - Tenge