Desc: 350c
Currency: Ghanaian cedi (100p=100gp=1ce=1c=1ghc)
Numerical sorting value: 2100000
Equivalent denoms: 350.00c (8), 350ce (6)
Users of this denom: Ghana (26 stamps, 1988-1998)
Used by 26 stamps of Ghana: (See all uses as list)
10/10/1988 350c issue=Olympics 1988 in 1987 d=weight lifting (1988) perf=14.25
12/19/1988 350c issue=Christmas 1987 d=abstract (1988) perf=14.25
1/16/1989 350c issue=Paintings by Titian dt=paintings by Titian (1989) d=Philip II Seated
1/23/1989 350c issue=Olympics 1988 winners
9/22/1989 350c issue=Philexfrance 89 d=Musket flag perf=14.25
9/22/1989 350c issue=French Revolution 200th d=Liberty Tree
2/2/1992 350c issue=10th Anniversary of Revolutionary Progress perf=14.25x13.75
3/3/1992 350c issue=Olympics 1992 d=J. Passler perf=14.25
9/30/1992 350c issue=Shells 1992 dt=shells (1992 Ghana) d=Thais hiatula perf=14.25
9/30/1992 350c issue=Shells 1992 dt=shells (1992 Ghana) d=Cassis tesselata perf=14.25
3/1/1993 350c issue=Flowers 1993 dt=flowers (1993 Ghana) d=Bryophyllum pinnatum (1993) perf=14.25
3/1/1993 350c issue=Flowers 1993 dt=flowers (1993 Ghana) d=Ritchiea reflexa perf=14.25
4/8/1993 350c issue=Proclamation of 4th Republic perf=14.25
7/30/1993 350c issue=Fungi 1993 dt=Fungi (1993 Ghana) d=Hygrophorus Puiceus perf=14.25
7/30/1993 350c issue=Fungi 1993 dt=Fungi (1993 Ghana) d=Hygrophorus punicea perf=14.25
12/8/1993 350c issue=Domestic Animals 1993 dt=Domestic Animals (1993 Ghana) d=Gallus gallus (1993) perf=14.25
12/8/1993 350c issue=Domestic Animals 1993 dt=Domestic Animals (1993 Ghana) d=Sus scrofa domestica (1993) perf=14.25
1/24/1994 350c issue=Traditional Crafts 1993 dt=Traditional Crafts (1993) perf=14.25
1/24/1994 350c issue=Traditional Crafts 1993 dt=Traditional Crafts (1993) perf=14.25
8/25/1996 350c issue=APS STAMPSHOW '96 perf=13.75
3/25/1998 350c issue=Great Writers of the 20th Century d=Maya Angelou perf=14.25
3/25/1998 350c issue=Great Writers of the 20th Century d=Alex Haley perf=14.25
3/25/1998 350c issue=Great Writers of the 20th Century d=Charles Johnson perf=14.25
3/25/1998 350c issue=Great Writers of the 20th Century d=Richard Wright (1998) perf=14.25
3/25/1998 350c issue=Great Writers of the 20th Century d=Toni Cade Bambara perf=14.25
3/25/1998 350c issue=Great Writers of the 20th Century d=Henri Louis Gates Jr perf=14.25