Desc: 2o
Currency: Norwegian krone (100o=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 120
Users of this denom: Norway (11 stamps, 1888-1941)
Used by 11 stamps of Norway: (See all uses as list)
7/1/1888 2o yelbrn d=posthorn (1882 ring unshaded) oc=blk on=12o-yelbrn wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
3/14/1890 2o brn issue=1882 d=posthorn (1882 ring unshaded) wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
5/16/1899 2o ltbrn issue=1893a d=posthorn (1893) wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
1910 2o palebrn issue=1910a d=posthorn (1910) wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
4/1/1925 2o yelbrn issue=Amundsen North Pole funding d=polar bear & airplane wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
official 7/1/1929 2o oc=blk on=1926-5o wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
official 1933 2o yelbrn issue=1933 official wmk=posthorn (Norway) perf=14.5x13.5
11/6/1937 2o orgbrn issue=1937 d=posthorn (1937) wmk=posthorn (Norway)
8/1/1941 2o orgbrn issue=1941a d=posthorn (1937) ovpt=V oc=blk on=issue=1937-2o-orgbrn-wmk=posthorn wmk=posthorn (Norway)
8/1/1941 2o yelbrn issue=1941b d=posthorn (1937) ovpt=V oc=blk on=issue=1940-2o-yelbrn-unwmk perf=13x13.5
9/22/1941 2o yelbrn issue=1940 d=posthorn (1937) perf=13x13.5