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1.35+1.15fr denom (#41054)

  • Colnect-183-917-City-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-183-928-Portraits-of-the-Senat-II-Guillaume-le-Bon.jpg
  • Colnect-183-934-Arms-of-the-city-of-Charleroi.jpg
  • Colnect-183-963-Edouard-Anseele-fund.jpg
Desc: 1.35+1.15fr

Currency: Belgian franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 8100
Second numerical value: 6900

Users of this denom: Belgium (4 stamps, 1946-1948)

Used by 4 stamps of Belgium: (See all uses as list)

1946 1.35+1.15fr grn issue=anti-tuberculosis 1946 perf=11.5
1947 1.35+1.15fr red issue=victims 1947
12/15/1947 1.35+1.15fr dkbrn issue=anti-tuberculosis 1947 perf=11.5
6/21/1948 1.35+1.15fr redbrn issue=Anselm 1948

All are semipostal