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150c denom (#4132)

  • Colnect-946-247-Cattle-Bos-primigenius-taurus-Netherland-Antilles-Flag.jpg
  • Colnect-946-244-Cattle-Bos-primigenius-taurus-Netherlands-Antilles-Flag.jpg
  • Colnect-946-277-Coin-Box.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-508-Pulpit.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-514-Antenna.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-519-Flags-of-France-and-Netherlands-Antilles.jpg
  • Colnect-954-048-Blue-tailed-Emerald-nbsp-Chlorostilbon-mellisugus.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-172-Joseph-Sickman-Corsen-1853-1911.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-060-Indian-cave-painting-Bonaire.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-064-Heaven-and-Earth.jpg
  • Colnect-2205-721-Shoe-ball.jpg
  • Colnect-960-077-Blue-Smoke-Persian-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-960-108-Santa-Claus.jpg
  • Colnect-2205-567-Champagne-bottle-being-opened.jpg
  • Colnect-964-819-Mail-box-at-Christmas.jpg
  • Colnect-964-848-Church-of-the-Conversion-of-St-Paul-Saba.jpg
  • Colnect-2205-627-New-Year.jpg
  • Colnect-964-874-Hearts-roses.jpg
  • Colnect-964-875-Mothers-globe.jpg
  • Colnect-964-905-We-Wish-You-a-Merry-Christmas.jpg
  • Colnect-965-408-Dove-poinsettias-baby-Jesus.jpg
  • Colnect-966-884-Silver-Tabby-Devon-Rex-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
  • Colnect-966-938-Vase-with-Fourteen-Sun-flowers.jpg
  • Colnect-1016-577-Wharf-area.jpg
  • Colnect-560-438-African-Elephant-Loxodonta-africana.jpg
  • Colnect-3708-290-Hepatica-nobilis.jpg
  • CW066.11.jpg
  • CW002.12.jpg
  • Colnect-2624-587-Scotch-Argus-Erebia-aethiops.jpg
  • CW012.12.jpg
  • CW035.12.jpg
  • CW040.12.jpg
  • Colnect-2624-032-Racket-tailed-Coquette-Discosura-longicauda.jpg
  • Colnect-2628-237-Simpson-Bay-Catholic-Church.jpg
  • Colnect-2624-043-Ochre-bellied-Flycatcher-Mionectes-oleagineus.jpg
  • Colnect-2628-542-Red-banded-Hairstreak-Calycopis-cecrops.jpg
  • Colnect-2629-600-Cape-Hatteras-Lighthouse-North-Carolina.jpg
  • Colnect-4123-228-Black-pawn.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-916-Crown-and-heraldic-lion.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-951-Estadio-Mineirao-Belo-Horizonte.jpg
  • Colnect-5880-313-Papilloma-Demodicus.jpg
Desc: 150c

Currency: Netherlands Antillean guilder (100c=1g=1f=1naf)

Numerical sorting value: 9000

Equivalent denoms: 1 1/2g (6), 1.50g (13)

Users of this denom: Curacao (7 stamps, 2011-2014), Netherlands Antilles (26 stamps, 1979-2009), Sint Maarten (17 stamps, 2012-2015)

Used by 50 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Netherlands Antilles 4/18/1979 150c issue=foot-and-mouth disease conference d=cattle Netherlands Antilles flag perf=14x12.75
Netherlands Antilles 4/18/1979 150c issue=foot-and-mouth disease conference perf=14x12.75
Netherlands Antilles 4/2/1980 150c issue=Post Office Savings Bank of Netherlands Antilles 75th d=Coin Box
Netherlands Antilles 3/15/1982 150c issue=Community Mikve Israel-Emanuel Synagogue 250th d=pulpit
Netherlands Antilles 5/5/1982 150c issue=International Air Traffic Controllers’ Year d=Antenna
Netherlands Antilles 6/9/1982 150c issue=PHILEXFRANCE 82 d=Flag of Netherlands Antilles & flag of France
Netherlands Antilles 9/18/1984 150c dt=local birds (1984 Netherlands Antilles) d=blue-tailed emerald perf=14x12.75
Netherlands Antilles 8/8/1990 150c dt=poets (1990) d=Joseph Sickman Corsen 1853-1911 perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 7/15/1993 150c issue=Entry of Netherlands Antilles into UPAEP d=Indian cave painting Bonaire
Netherlands Antilles 7/23/1993 150c dt=Caribbean art d=Heaven & Earth
Netherlands Antilles 5/4/1994 150c issue=World Cup 1994 d=shoe & soccer ball
Netherlands Antilles 9/29/1995 150c dt=cats (1995 Netherlands Antilles) d=Persian blue smoke perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 12/2/1996 150c issue=Christmas 1996 d=Santa Claus (1996)
Netherlands Antilles 12/1/1997 150c issue=Christmas 1997 / New Year 1998 d=Champagne bottle being opened perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 12/1/1998 150c issue=Christmas 1998 d=mail box at Christmas
Netherlands Antilles 10/1/1999 150c dt=Landscape (1999) d=Church of the Conversion of St Paul Saba perf=14x12.75
Netherlands Antilles 12/1/1999 150c issue=Christmas 1999 / New Year 2000 d=New Year perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 1/27/2000 150c issue=Greetings 2000 d=Hearts roses perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 1/27/2000 150c issue=Greetings 2000 d=mothers globe perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 11/15/2000 150c issue=Christmas 2000 d=We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Netherlands Antilles 11/15/2001 150c issue=Christmas 2001 / New Year 2002 d=Dove poinsettias baby Jesus
Netherlands Antilles 9/29/2003 150c issue=Cats dt=cats (2003 Netherlands Antilles) d=Devon Rex silver tabby perf=12.75x14
Netherlands Antilles 6/16/2005 150c dt=paintings by Vincent van Gogh (2005) d=Vase with Fourteen Sunflowers perf=13x13.5
Netherlands Antilles 7/28/2005 150c issue=300th Anniversary of Otrobanda perf=13.5x13
Netherlands Antilles 10/2/2008 150c issue=African Savannah d=Loxodonta africana (2008)
Netherlands Antilles 1/26/2009 150c dt=flowers (2009 Netherlands Antilles) d=Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (2009)
Curacao 12/11/2011 150c dt=vegetables (2011) d=pumpkin (2011) perf=12.75x13.25
Curacao 1/12/2012 150c dt=fishes of Curacao (2012) d=Neoniphon Opercularis perf=13.75x14
Sint Maarten 2/29/2012 150c issue=Butterflies 2012 d=Erebia aethiops perf=14
Curacao 3/12/2012 150c dt=birds of the Sea & Shore d=dunlin (2012)
Curacao 7/12/2012 150c issue=Sports Curacao 2012 dt=sports (2012) d=Karate perf=13.75x14
Curacao 8/13/2012 150c dt=plants of Curacao d=Tuturutu
Sint Maarten 12/12/2012 150c issue=Birds 2012 d=Racket-tailed Coquette Discosura longicauda perf=14
Sint Maarten 1/2/2013 150c issue=Churches 2013 d=Simpson Bay Catholic Church perf=14
Sint Maarten 2/6/2013 150c issue=Birds 2013 d=Mionectes oleagineus perf=14
Sint Maarten 5/2/2013 150c issue=Butterflies 2013 d=Calycopis cecrops (2013) perf=14
Sint Maarten 10/2/2013 150c issue=United States Lighthouses d=Cape Hatteras Lighthouse North Carolina perf=14
Sint Maarten 11/6/2013 150c blk<rd issue=Chess Match between B. Spassky and B. Fischer d=Black pawn perf=14
Curacao 1/14/2014 150c issue=Kingdom of the Netherlands, 200th Anniversary d=crown & heraldic Lion perf=13.25x12.75
Sint Maarten 4/9/2014 150c issue=Flowers 2014 perf=14
Sint Maarten 5/14/2014 150c issue=Frans Hals perf=14
Curacao 6/12/2014 150c issue=Stadiums of the 2014 World Cup Soccer Championships d=Estadio Mineirao Belo Horizonte
Sint Maarten 6/18/2014 150c issue=Birds 2014 d=Gampsonyx swainsonii perf=14
Sint Maarten 9/17/2014 150c issue=World Cup 2014 perf=14
Sint Maarten 11/19/2014 150c issue=Local Costumes 2014 perf=14
Sint Maarten 12/10/2014 150c issue=Butterflies 2014 perf=12
Sint Maarten 1/14/2015 150c issue=Birds 2015 perf=14
Sint Maarten 8/19/2015 150c issue=Flowers 2015 perf=14
Sint Maarten 9/16/2015 150c issue=Butterflies 2015 perf=14
Sint Maarten 10/14/2015 150c issue=Fishes 2015 perf=14