Desc: 16s
Currency: Lesotho loti (100s=1l=1m)
Numerical sorting value: 960
Users of this denom: Lesotho (20 stamps, 1987-1991)
Used by 20 stamps of Lesotho: (See all uses as list)
9/1/1987 16s issue=1987 surcharges b oc=blk on=25s
4/5/1988 16s issue=1988 dt=birds (1988 Lesotho) d=Cape weaver wmk=basuto hat perf=15
10/13/1988 16s issue=Small indigenous mammals d=Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis wmk=basuto hat
11/11/1988 16s issue=Olympics 1988 d=equestrian wmk=basuto hat
6/19/1989 16s issue=Death of Emperor Hirohito d=Night Snow at Kambara wmk=basuto hat
9/8/1989 16s dt=mushrooms (1989 Lesotho) d=Ganoderma applanatum wmk=basuto hat
11/6/1989 16s issue=20th Anniversary of First Manned Moon Landing d=Eagle landing wmk=basuto hat
12/27/1989 16s issue=World Cup 1990 wmk=basuto hat
1990 16s dt=birds (1988 Lesotho) d=Red-eyed bulbul oc=blk on=1988-12s wmk=basuto hat perf=15
2/26/1990 16s issue=Butterflies of Lesotho 1990 dt=butterflies (1990 Lesotho) d=Vanessa cardui (1990) wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
3/12/1990 16s dt=orchids (1990 Lesotho) d=Huttonaea pulchra wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
8/17/1990 16s issue=Pope visit d=Prince Mohato wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
8/24/1990 16s issue=Highland water project d=Moving gravel wmk=basuto hat perf=14.25
10/5/1990 16s issue=Olympics 1992 in 1990 d=Triple jump wmk=basuto hat
12/5/1990 16s issue=Christmas 1990 dt=paintings by Rubens (1990 Lesotho) d=Adoration of the Magi (detail) wmk=basuto hat perf=13.75
1/18/1991 16s issue=1991 surcharges oc=blk on=30s
1/18/1991 16s issue=1991 surcharges oc=blk on=40s
6/20/1991 16s issue=Africa in Film d=Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan the Ape Man wmk=basuto hat
9/23/1991 16s issue=Fight Against Drugs wmk=basuto hat perf=13.75
10/10/1991 16s issue=Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference Tourism Promotion d=Butterfly flowers in national parks wmk=basuto hat