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47a denom (#4214)

  • Colnect-3693-131-King-Carlos-I.jpg
  • Colnect-3693-153-King-Carlos-I.jpg
Desc: 47a

Currency: Portuguese Timorese pataca (100a=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 2820

Users of this denom: Timor (6 stamps, 1895-1913)

Used by 6 stamps of Timor: (See all uses as list)

1895 47a issue=1895
1898 47a dkbl pc=rose issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) perf=11.5
1903 47a redvio issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) perf=11.5
1911 47a redvio issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=issue=1898-47a-redvio perf=11.5
1913 47a bl&blk issue=1913c
1913 47a redpur&blk issue=1913c