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9.50srd denom (#44689)

  • Colnect-5332-037-Sea-Life-of-the-Marianas-Trench.jpg
  • Colnect-5646-680-Frid.jpg
Desc: 9.50srd

Currency: Surinamese dollar (100c=1srd=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 57000

Equivalent denoms: $9.50 (8)

Users of this denom: Surinam (3 stamps, 2018-2022)

Used by 3 stamps of Surinam: (See all uses as list)

5/16/2018 9.50srd issue=Marianas Trench Organisms d=Benthacodon perf=13.75x14
1/6/2019 9.50srd issue=Hungarian Composers d=Géza Frid perf=13.75x14
2/2/2022 9.50srd issue=Marine Life - Shells