Desc: 2f
Currency: Manchukuo yuan (100f=1y)
Numerical sorting value: 120
Users of this denom: Manchukuo (18 stamps, 1932-1942)
Used by 18 stamps of Manchukuo: (See all uses as list)
7/26/1932 2f gray issue=1932 d=pagoda at Liaoyang perf=13x13.5
3/1/1933 2f issue=Manchukuo 1st d=flags & map & wreath perf=12.5
2/1934 2f gray issue=1934a d=pagoda at Liaoyang wmk=curved wavy lines (Manchukuo) perf=13x13.5
1/1/1935 2f yelgrn issue=1935a d=orchid crest wmk=zigzag lines
3/1/1935 2f yelgrn issue=1935b d=orchid crest wmk=chars
1936 2f grn issue=1936a d=orchid crest redrawn wmk=chars
4/1/1937 2f yelgrn issue=1936b d=carting soybeans wmk=chars
9/16/1937 2f issue=Hsinking reconstruction d=pigeon wmk=chars
12/1/1937 2f issue=Japanese extraterritorial rights abolition wmk=chars
12/15/1937 2f dkbl&red issue=New Years greetings wmk=chars
10/15/1938 2f issue=Red Cross wmk=chars
10/21/1939 2f org&vioblk issue=10000km railroad d=Network of Railway Lines wmk=chars
6/26/1940 2f brtredvio d=cranes above ship wmk=chars
9/10/1940 2f issue=census d=census taker wmk=chars
9/19/1940 2f red issue=Japan 2600th d=congratulatory message wmk=chars
5/25/1941 2f d=soldier (1941) wmk=chars
2/16/1942 2f d=Singapore capture wmk=chars
3/1/1942 2f issue=Manchukuo 10th wmk=chars