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7,50(k) denom (#48297)

  • Colnect-1944-740-Arctic-orchids.jpg
  • Colnect-4434-516-Domestic-Sheep-Ovis-ammon-aries.jpg
  • Colnect-5233-383-Expeditions-in-Greenland-V---Paul-Emile-Victor-1907-1995.jpg
Desc: 7,50(k)

Currency: Danish krone (100o=1dkr=1kr=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 45000

Equivalent denoms used by Greenland: 7.50(k) (12)
Only used by others: 7.50kr (1)

Users of this denom: Greenland (3 stamps, 1996-2007)

Used by 3 stamps of Greenland: (See all uses as list)

2/29/1996 7,50(k) issue=Arctic Orchids 1996 dt=Arctic orchids d=Platanthera hyperborea perf=12.75
5/22/2006 7,50(k) issue=100th Anniversary of Modern Sheep Farming
11/8/2007 7,50(k) issue=Expeditions in Greenland V d=Paul-Emile Victor