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1.97€ denom (#48458)

(No images available)
Desc: 1.97€

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 11820

Users of this denom: Latvia (5 stamps, 2023-2024)

Used by 5 stamps of Latvia: (See all uses as list)

6/22/2023 1.97€ issue=Birds of Latvia 2023 d=Cuculus canorus
10/6/2023 1.97€ d=Ādolfs Alunāns
1/12/2024 1.97€ dt=pets
4/12/2024 1.97€ issue=20th Anniversary of Latvia's Membership in NATO
5/10/2024 1.97€ issue=Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia