Desc: 6.00(k)
Currency: Norwegian krone (100o=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 36000
Equivalent denoms: 6kr (3)
Users of this denom: Norway (40 stamps, 1997-2006)
Used by 40 stamps of Norway: (See all uses as list)
1/2/1997 6.00(k) issue=Flowers 1997 dt=flowers (1997 Norway) d=Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (1997) perf=12.75x13.25
4/16/1997 6.00(k) issue=Tourism 1997 d=Nusfjord Harbor perf=13.25
4/16/1997 6.00(k) issue=Tourism 1997 d=Nusfjord Harbor perf=13.25
4/20/1998 6.00(k) issue=Egersund 100th perf=12.75x13.25
6/18/1998 6.00(k) issue=modern art 1998 dt=modern art (1998) perf=13.25
9/18/1998 6.00(k) issue=Airport Gardermoen perf=13.25
4/12/1999 6.00(k) issue=Tourism 1999 d=Man in traditional attire perf=13.25
6/11/1999 6.00(k) issue=Norway 2000
9/9/1999 6.00(k) issue=Children's activities dt=Children's toys (1999) d=girl on roller skates perf=13.25
4/7/2000 6.00(k) issue=Animals 2000 dt=animals (2000 Norway) d=Eurasian Elk - Alces alces perf=13.25x13.5
4/7/2000 6.00(k) issue=Oslo 1000th perf=13.25
1/2/2004 6.00(k) issue=Person to Person
1/2/2004 6.00(k) issue=Person to Person
1/2/2004 6.00(k) issue=marine life in Norway dt=marine life in Norway d=catfish (Amarichas lupus)
1/2/2004 6.00(k) issue=Christian Skredsvig 150th d=Idyll, by Christian Skredsvig
2/6/2004 6.00(k) issue=St Valentine's Day 2004
3/26/2004 6.00(k) issue=Otto Sverdrup 150th d=Otto Sverdrup
3/26/2004 6.00(k) issue=Europa 2004 dt=holidays d=cycling
4/17/2004 6.00(k) d=Princess Ingrid Alexandra
6/18/2004 6.00(k) issue=Norwegian railways 150th
9/17/2004 6.00(k) dt=Children & Young People
11/20/2004 6.00(k) issue=Christmas 2004
11/20/2004 6.00(k) dt=Norwegian Nobel laureates d=Chr. Lous Lange
11/20/2004 6.00(k) issue=Christmas 2004
2/4/2005 6.00(k) d=Heart and Poem by Tor Yonsson
2/4/2005 6.00(k) issue=Soup Kitchen and Street Church Service
4/15/2005 6.00(k) issue=Holidays and Leisure d=Geiranger
4/15/2005 6.00(k) d=city of the future
5/27/2005 6.00(k) issue=Dissolution of the Union d=Christian Michelsen
6/7/2005 6.00(k) issue=Great moments in the past 100 Years d=Norway - Brazil 2-1 (1998)
6/7/2005 6.00(k) issue=Great moments in the past 100 Years d=Oil
6/7/2005 6.00(k) issue=Great moments in the past 100 Years d=television
6/7/2005 6.00(k) issue=Great moments in the past 100 Years
6/7/2005 6.00(k) issue=Great moments in the past 100 Years
6/7/2005 6.00(k) dt=square riggers d=Christian Radich (2005)
9/16/2005 6.00(k) d=Telegraph history
11/18/2005 6.00(k) d=King Haakon VII's arrival in Norway
11/18/2005 6.00(k) d=Three Royal generations
2/3/2006 6.00(k) d=Words of Wisdom
2/3/2006 6.00(k) issue=Winter Olympics 2006 d=Turin 2006 - Kan Traa