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10.00(k) denom (#48532)

  • Colnect-5762-453-Engineering-Skill.jpg
  • Colnect-162-150-200th-anniversary-of-the-Deichman-library.jpg
  • Colnect-162-762-Martin-Luther-King-1929-1968-clergyman---activist.jpg
  • Colnect-4276-716-Golden-Eagle-Aquila-chrysaetos.jpg
Desc: 10.00(k)

Currency: Norwegian krone (100o=1k=1kr)

Numerical sorting value: 60000

Equivalent denoms: 10,00kr (1), 10.00kr (4), 10kr (18)

Users of this denom: Norway (4 stamps, 1979-2006)

Used by 4 stamps of Norway: (See all uses as list)

10/5/1979 10.00(k) dt=Norwegian engineering
10/4/1985 10.00(k) issue=public libraries 200th
9/14/2001 10.00(k) issue=Nobel Peace Prize 100th d=Martin Luther King (2001) perf=13.75
3/29/2006 10.00(k) issue=Wildlife in Norway 2006 dt=wildlife in Norway d=ørn